Hitler came to power because the Treaty of Versailles had made Germany virtually defenseless against Stalin's invasion, and Hitler was creating an Òadequate defense.Ó But owing to dictatorship, his whims were the laws of the land, and one of his whims was his world domination, for which purpose his adequate defense transformed into world aggression.
The dictators of China have been saying that they are creating adequate defense. But in contrast to Hitler, world domination is not just their whim to tickle their vanity (was not China called the Center of the World?), but a dire necessity.
The dictatorship in Russia fell in 1991. In 1989 in China there originated what did not exist in Russia even in 1991 Ñ a national student movement, inspired by the West and especially by the United States. The national movement had a kind of open-air headquarters in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, where the students came from all over China, stayed for a while to demonstrate their solidarity, and then were replaced by other students from other areas.
ÒWhat?Ó Winston Churchill would have exclaimed, had he lived to 1989. ÒIn 1918 we trembled lest the proletarian poor rob the rich bourgeoisie and come to power as a result of Lenin's world proletarian revolution, and now the dictators of socialist China, where the proletarian poor carried out Lenin's proletarian revolution in 1949, tremble lest the proletarians establish the Western, and in particular American, bourgeois rule?Ó
Yes, in 1918 Churchill helped to launch a Western invasion of Soviet Russia to stop its subversive appeal to a world proletarian revolution, and today the dictators of China want to annihilate the West in order to stop its subversive appeal to the habeas corpus act and universal suffrage of the bourgeois West.
The national student movement associated with Tiananmen Square endangered the Chinese dictatorship but it did not fall as did the dictatorship in Soviet Russia two years later. For the Chinese dictatorship relies on four or five millennia of absolutism, while the entire history of Russia runs short of one millennium.
In Christendom, the rulers always tried to present themselves more kind and less cruel than they really are. Not in China. The Chinese dictators did not try to prevent or disperse peacefully the Tiananmen gathering. Quite the contrary Ñ they let as many students as possible gather on the Square, crushed them with the steel of armored troops, and let these mass executioners boast publicly of how ruthless they had been.
Now, as a nanotechnologist told us reassuringly in his e-mail, the ÒNew York TimesÓ Chinese staff reporter Nicholas Kristof represented Òthe TiananmenÓ as the ÒChinese governmentÓ reaction after the Òstudents took a number of soldiers as hostages.Ó That is, the students attacked the armor, not the armor the students.
Unfortunately for this Christian representation of the Chinese dictators as good Christians, Zhang Liang published (Public Affairs, New York, 2002) a 514-page collection of official Chinese government documents in which the Tiananmen butchers (to use President Clinton's word) boast of their ruthlessness.
Anyway, it was clear to the power-holders in China that their absolutism was endangered, and the power-holders understood that the only way to prevent Tiananmens was to annihilate the source of subversion, viz., the West.
It has also been clear to the power-holders in China that a way to world domination lies in a country's ability to destroy by molecular nanotechnological weapons the enemy means of nuclear retaliation as envisaged by Mutual Assured (Nuclear) Destruction on which the world peace has been resting.
So the Sino-American nano race is on. It is not unlike the German-American nuclear race of 1938 to 1945.
The United States won the nuclear race for the following reasons:
(1)ÊÊHitler made a mistake by launching in 1939 a conventional war instead of concentrating on the development of nuclear weapons. The United States was thus at war with Germany. If there had been no war, Germany (and possibly Stalin's Russia) would have Òbuilt the bomb,Ó while the Manhattan Project would not, probably, have even started.
The United States is not at war with China but, on the contrary, the United States is at affectionate peace, with much of trade and business depending on China.
(2)ÊÊThe emigres from Germany led by the world-famous Einstein, in cooperation with Jewish Americans and Òanti-Fascists,Ó created a public consensus according to which Hitler's victory would be the worst disaster in recorded history.
Today, there is no such socio-political force directed against the dictatorship of China. Publicly, many ÒpunditsÓ speak about how the United States will win the nano race and will establish a Òsingle world.Ó Privately, many nanotechnologists speak about how China will win the nano race and will establish ITS Òsingle world,Ó which will be safer than nanoweapons in several countries at loggerheads.
(3)ÊÊDictatorship achieves great military results by concentrating in peacetime all resources on the supreme military goal. At the close of the 1920s Stalin's Russia was still a predominantly rural, and industrially backward, country. In the 1940s it defeated Hitler's Germany and in the 1960s its military power matched that of the United States.
The Chinese dictators can concentrate in peacetime all resources on the development of nano weapons able to abolish Mutual Assured Destruction. In the United Stats, it is not clear whether any such project exists or is planned. According to Congressional Quarterly, $5.5 billion are to be authorized for nanotechnology in 2003.
But first, it is useful to compare the figure with $200 billion for the war in Iraq and $600 billion for its reconstruction. Second, nanotechnology is a field of many fields, including civilian ones. The strategically decisive weapon is a molecular nanotech assembler capable of destroying the enemy means of nuclear retaliation. In the United States, it is never mentioned publicly, and it is not clear whether a single cent has been allocated for it.
Imagine the year 1944, and the White House and Congress having received Einstein's famous letter about the development of nuclear weapons. ÒWeapons? You mean the nuclear fuel!Ó At this moment a German Òatom bombÓ falls on Washington, D.C. ÒThis is nuclear WEAPONS,Ó Einstein has the time to answer. ÒBut it is too late to fund their development in the United States.Ó
Lev Navrozov's (navlev@cloud9.net] new book is available on-line at www.levnavrozov.com. To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to webmaster@levnavrozov.com.