I find nothing unpredictable in the geostrategic behavior of the owners of China. Their country is the 20th-century world's biggest dictatorship, which comprises one-fifth of mankind and combines Soviet Communism with four or five millennia of Chinese absolutism. Predictably, the owners of China seek world domination.
When Gorbachev disgorged the territories his predecessors, starting from Stalin, had gobbled, I indicated the reason in my New York City Tribune column: Gorbachev was after the modern quest for world domination. Previous aspirants sought world domination via consecutive territorial conquests. Gorbachev was the first seeker of world domination through Superweapon No. 3, which was to make the entire world his, without territorial acquisitions like that of Eastern Europe.
The owners of China are certainly at the geostrategic level of Gorbachev. They followed his geostrategy as they did much else Soviet. Their fuss over Taiwan is just an interlude, like Hitler's annexation of Sudetenland to demonstrate his love of his nation. But the owners of China do not think in terms of world domination via conventional wars. As of the end of the millennium the population of the United States was 270 million, and its army 1.5 million. The population of China was 1.24 billion, and so its army was to be 6.9 million. Actually, it was 2.9 million. In 2003, it is 2.4 million, and it has been decided to cut it by 0.5 million. Obviously, the owners of China are not after world domination through territorial acquisitions, pre-Gorbachev Soviet style, or Nazi style. The American-English invasion of Iraq can only make them laugh (or giggle, since laughter is not quite proper for a Mandarin). Are the English-speaking going to impose their will on the Islamic world (1.3 billion people) by invading countries one by one and establishing democracy in each of them? Well, democracy in Afghanistan or Iraq is a hundred years away, as is cheerfully opined by a British sympathizer (author of ÒEmpireÓ).
Instead of the pre-Gorbachev quest for world domination by consecutive local wars, the owners of China followed in 1986 Gorbachev's development of post-nuclear superweapons, the biological part of which President Yeltsin opened to interntional inspection in 1992. The owners of China established in 1986 Project 863, a kind of super-academy of sciences and technologies necessary for the development of post-nuclear superweaponry able to destroy or neutralize the Western means of nuclear retaliation, overcome thereby Mutual Assured Destruction on which world peace has rested for more than half a century, and thus gain world domination.
But why this passion for world domination? Well, Winston Churchill was among those who favored the Western invasion of Soviet Russia in order to kill the Òbacillus of bolshevismÓ that was subverting the democratic West in 1918. Now the Òbacillus of democracyÓ is subverting the absolutism: recall the Tiananmen Square movement in 1989 in China and the fall of Gorbachev in 1991 in Soviet Russia. The Òbacillus of democracyÓ has to be killed or it will kill the holy multimillennial absolutism under the aegis of the Soviet five-pronged star.
So, I don't see anything new or unexpected in the geostrategic behavior of the owners of China. It could well have been predicted in 1949. Let us look at the other side, the West. A week ago I visited the two major New York libraries. The Humanities and Social Science Library has the oriental Division where its ÒChinese booksÓ are kept. A year ago I saw on the shelves and used the statistical annual or yearbook of China. By this time, the volume had disappeared from the shelves, and the Chinese lady in charge of the Division could not locate it. She could find nothing about Project 863 or about genetic engineering in China (genetic engineering is one of the seven fields of Project 863). The Chinese lady seemed never to have heard about such wonders of the world, and advised me to go to the Science, Industry, and Business Library. I was their only visitor, and in that way they got rid of me.
At the library they sent me to, I typed ÒChinaÓ into its computer, and here was a list of about 1500 books on China. But none of them was about Project 863 or genetic engineering in China or its development of post-nuclear weapons in six other fields at Project 863.
The librarian (Anglo-Saxon, not Chinese) listened to my complaints and showed me on the screen of his computer an article on the subject. ÒThere are no books, but here is an article on the subject,Ó he said sympathetically. ÒThank you!Ó I said. ÒBut this is my article.Ó
There is a kind of amnesiaÑgeneral oblivion as to even the remotest possibility that China may be after world domination and hence may be developing post-nuclear superweapons, and not just those weapons that the Pentagon develops and that prove to be so useful in a war against non-nuclear midgets like Iraq (or the Principality of Monaco).
This year, late in May, there occurred the most geostrategically important event since 1986. After their meeting in Russia Vladimir Putin and Hu Jintao (Òthe supreme leader of ChinaÓ) announced in their joint communiquŽ that Russia and China would, by way of Òstrategic cooperative partnershipÓ have Òcloser tiesÓ in military technology and science, such as aeronautics and astronautics. That is, if Western business, science, and technology are not enough for China's development of post-nuclear superweapons, China can rely on Putin's Russia, with its twenty years of bioweapons research (1972 to 1991).
Such was the disastrous effect of the American-British invasion of Iraq. Geostrategically, it was a joke. As would be the invasion of the Principality of Monaco on the charge that it has weapons of mass destruction, viz., machine guns. But Putin took the joke as some English-speaking presented it: as the beginning of a new Anglo-Saxon world empire. They scared Putin into the feeding of a beast that will be able to devour Russia as well, though first the beast will no doubt annihilate the West unless the West surrenders unconditionally, which the West seems to be prepared to do, judging by its polite amnesia about China's development of post-nuclear superweapons.
What is astonishing? Nothing has been said in the U.S. mainstream media, or at least on mainstream television, about the new Russian-Chinese strategic partnership. Everyone knows that President Clinton called China a Òstrategic partner.Ó But few Americans know that since last May China is also a strategic partner of Russia, helping her to be able to subjugate the West, with or without its annihilation.
Lev Navrozov's (navlev@cloud9.net] new book is available on-line at www.levnavrozov.com. To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to webmaster@levnavrozov.com.