In 1945, Stalin was still perceived by Winston Churchill or by most Americans as their noble heroic war ally who was to build with them after the war a new peaceful world presided over by the United Nations. A year or two later the prevailing conformity in the United States was that Stalin was going to attack the democratic West.
This was silly. A dictator attacks if he considers his military power superior to his opponent's. Hitler regarded his armed forces superior to those of France, which he attacked, and then, in 1941, to those of Russia, whose initial armed forces he simply annihilated. On the other hand, the U.S. nuclear weapons made Stalin defenseless till 1949, and then militarily inferior since he did not have a sufficient trans-Atlantic bomber force to retaliate in kind in case of a U.S. nuclear attack.
It was only at the end of the 1960s that there came a U.S.øSoviet nuclear equilibrium or stalemate, known as Nuclear Assured Destruction. If attacked by U.S. bombers, Soviet Russia would have retaliated by nuclear missiles, which the U.S. nuclear attack would not be able to destroy because they were in submarines deep under water, or in fortifications deep in the ground.
Yet the U.S. political establishment (such as Senator and then President Kennedy during his election campaign and early in his presidency) proclaimed that Soviet Russia was after world domination and was about to attack the United States. The ÒCold WarÓÑthis is how that groundless expectation of a Soviet war for world domination was called.
In the 1970s and in the 1980s Brezhnev and his successors, including Gorbachev, were developing post-nuclear superweapons to overcome Mutual Assured Destruction by being able to destroy the Western means of nuclear retaliation and thus establish world domination with the ultimatum to the West to surrender or be annihilated.
But Senator and then President Kennedy's totally unfounded yet vehement certainty up to the early 1960s that Soviet Russia was about to attack the West changed into the totally unfounded yet deeply felt certainty that while Stalin was a monster with respect to his own people and hence was about to attack the West, no one could suspect of such a sinister design that charming Nobel Peace Prize winner Gorbachev, a personal friend of the Conservative British Prime Minister Thatcher and the Republican U.S. President Bush Sr. Even when a scientist of Gorbachev's giant project of post-nuclear superweapons defected and told the top-secret truth to the British Intelligence Service and the CIA, Thatcher and Bush Sr. did not want to make it public and thus upset their darling Gorbie.
It was only when, in 1992, the newly elected President Yeltsin of Russia opened to public inspection the giant bioweapons section of the former Soviet development of post-nuclear superweapons that the leaders of the English-speaking countries were compelled to admit the truth of what I and some other emigres had been saying for twenty years.
When we came to New York in 1972 and I told the ÒNew York TimesÓ about the Soviet development of post-nuclear superweapons, the reaction was: ÒOh, you are talking the Cold War, which was over long ago!Ó I would tell those who reacted in this way that they had a view of geostrategic history upside down and backward: ÒThe Cold War was a much-ado-about-nothing fantasy. It is only now that the West is becoming mortally endangered and may be attacked or forced to surrender if the Soviet rulers have obtained their coveted post-nuclear superweapons, able to destroy the Western means of nuclear retaliation. But the West refuses to notice the mortal danger, while about ten years ago President Kennedy was still predicting a Soviet attack daily and hourly, though in 1963 he himself declared that all such predictions had been nonsense!Ó
I founded in 1978 the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, a not-for-profit corporation with an Advisory Board including some twenty world-known intellectuals, writers, philosophers, public figures, top-ranking military officers, and even one retired senior analyst of the CIA, a lifelong friend of mine since 1972. Though the prevailing conformity was the belief that the Soviet rulers mean peace (recall dear Gorbie, a Nobel Peace Prize winner!), the groups opposing this conformity were strong, and we had no lack of grants and of public attention at universities and in the media. This opposition crossed all party lines.
Thus, I lectured at Tom Bolan's East Side Conservative Club, of the Advisory Board of which Tom had made me a member (though I told him that I am not a conservative or a liberal or any other ÒpartisanÓ). I also lectured to the ÒYoung Socialists, USA,Ó who welcomed my message as much as did the East Side Conservative Club. Rev. Moon's Unification Church launched in the early 1980s a daily devoted to the real Soviet geostrategic threat, and published my column. The two ÒJewish magazinesÓÑÒCommentaryÓ and ÒMidstreamÓÑpublished my articles on the same Òunpopular subject.Ó
Meanwhile, in 1986 it became clear from the Chinese Òopen pressÓ that the rulers of China had founded ÒProject 863Ó for the development of post-nuclear superweapons in seven fields (such as genetic engineering). Thus China, the biggest dictatorship in the past one hundred years, was moving into the geostrategic place of pre-1991 Russia.
But there are differences, of course. While the leaders of the Western countries treat the autocrats of China in the past ten years as lovingly as Thatcher and Bush Sr. treated Òdear Gorbie,Ó there are no pro-defense opposition groups that would be as focused on the current geostrategic danger, as influential, and politically diverse as were the East Side Conservative Club, ÒYoung Socialists, USA,Ó Rev. Moon's Unification Church, or the ÒCommentaryÓ and ÒMidstreamÓ magazines.
The population of China exceeds that of the United States about four times, and China graduates 600,000 scientists and engineers a year, four times as many as does the United States.
The Chinese capitalism is a powerful tool to advance the Chinese (Communist!) rulers' world domination. Thus, the U.S. corporations of geostrategic importance move to China in search of cheap labor, and the Chinese corporations, controlled by the rulers of China, induce them to do so and burrow into the deepest entrails of the Western economy, science, and technology.
The value of Chinese goods and services sold in the United States exceeds that of U.S. goods and services sold in China by more than $100 billion a year, much of which the rulers of China can spend on the development of post-nuclear superweapons.
We have written a Proposal soliciting tax-deductible grants to set up under the auspices of our not-for-profit Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, Inc., a unique Chinese geostrategic research institute, employing the most sophisticated Chinese scientists, scholars, and thinkers from among the Chinese emigre dissidents in the United States. Our purpose is to convince the public that China is a geostrategic successor to the Russia of Gorbachev, and the Chinese rulers hope to succeed where Òdear GorbieÓ failed and was exposed by President Yeltsin in 1992.
Lev Navrozov's (] new book is available on-line at To request an outline of the book, send an e-mail to