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Monday, June 20, 2011     INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING

Egypt reports Libyan vehicle-smuggling operation at Gaza border

CAIRO — Egypt has determined that the Hamas regime received vehicles from war-torn Libya.


Egyptian security sources said Libyan smugglers were arranging for the delivery of dozens of luxury and other vehicles to the Gaza Strip. They said the cars and jeeps were being driven through Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and smuggled over the border via the tunnel network that connects to the Gaza Strip.

"We are tracking this flow and reinforced our presence along the [Gaza] border," a security source said.

Also In This Edition

On June 8, Egyptian security forces stormed a tunnel that allegedly was being used to transport Libyan and other vehicles to the Gaza Strip. The sources said four Hyundai cars were confiscated near the divided city of Rafah, a major smuggling point along the 14-kilometer Egyptian-Gaza border, Middle East Newsline reported. No arrests were reported.

The Egyptian raid came amid the resumption of full operations at the Rafah border terminal. The Egyptian military regime has decided to allow up 500 people per day, rather than cargo, to cross Rafah.

For at least three years, Hamas has overseen the smuggling of vehicles from Egypt to the Gaza Strip. The sources said at least 20 tunnels were designed to enable the vehicles to make the one kilometer trip underground.

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