The 21st century has proven that the United States must be prepared to
fight asymmetric wars around the globe Ñ often two or more
simultaneously. To effectively fight such conflicts, rapid deployment
is absolutely essential. Unfortunately, the PentagonÕs ability to
rapidly deploy forces to trouble spots around the globe is lacking.
In operations from Desert Storm to Iraqi Freedom, our armed forces have
demonstrated that technology has revolutionized warfare. America's
television screens have been filled with images of sophisticated,
precision-guided munitions being dropped from equally sophisticated
stealth aircraft to strike targets in the dark of night. The military
has made great advances in the combat arms arena thanks to
technological advances.
Despite these advances, the PentagonÕs ability to move assets to
theaters of operations tens of thousands of miles from our shores is
stuck squarely in the 1960s. Our airlift capacity is less than it was
during the Cold War and the majority of the aircraft doing the heavy
lifting do not really offer significant capabilities beyond those
offered by aircraft 30 years ago. Moreover, airlift has always been
severely limited Ñ and likely always will be severely limited in terms of
its utility in transporting sufficient warfighting capability around
the world.
Sealift is in even worse shape. The majority of our sealift ships sail
to distant lands at speeds no greater than that of troop transports a
generation ago. As was shown first in Desert Storm, and more recently
in Iraqi Freedom, it takes as long as a month to move heavy units
around the world to fight our battles. And, believe it or not, ships
traveling at 16 knots can still often move heavy assets overseas
quicker than airlift.
Bollinger/Incat has developed an interesting solution to this problem
and is offering it to the U.S. military. That solution is the High
Speed Wave Piercing Catamaran. Bollinger/Incat is a joint venture
between Bollinger Shipyards, builder of a variety of high-speed Navy
and Coast Guard patrol combatants and Incat Tasmania Pty Ltd. of
Australia, builder of the worldÕs fastest passenger ferries. Their ship
is already proven and has been in use in hundreds of applications
around the world for years. Because it is an Òoff-the-shelfÓ item, it
can be made ready for U.S. military use relatively quickly. Furthermore,
the Navy, Army and Marine Corps have already tested this revolutionary
vessel in operational environments, including in support of Operation
Iraqi Freedom.
Bollinger Shipyards are the largest vessel repair
company in the Gulf of Mexico region with 14 shipyards and 42 dry docks
in Louisiana and Texas. They have supplied high-speed combatants for the Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy
Special Warfare Command and have also produced ships and small craft
for the U.S. Army and foreign navies.
The Defense Department has leased and tested two of these vessels: the
HSV-X1 Joint Venture and the TSV-1X Spearhead. A third ship was
delivered on 12 August, the HSV-2 Swift. HSV stands for High-Speed
Vessel and TSV stands for Theater Support Vessel, but all three of the
ships share the same baseline design. If adopted and developed to their
potential, that design could conceivably form the basis for almost
every ship class in the U.S. Navy, from logistics support, to sealift, to
mine warfare, to anti-submarine warfare, to patrol, to special warfare
and amphibious assault. The design has potential for everything short
of large-deck aircraft carriers and could even be potentially evolved
into a Sea Control Ship/STOVL (Short Take Off Vertical Landing) vessel.
In short, the wave piercing catamaran design could prove to be the most
versatile ship in the history of modern naval warfare.
The Bollinger/Incat wave piercing catamarans are part of the Defense
DepartmentÕs Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator program. The
design is being used to demonstrate and evaluate its ability to perform
during certain mission scenarios, assess its usefulness to the military
and refine the requirements for the next generation of ships. If all
goes well, in a few years, the Pentagon could have dozens of these
ships performing a variety of missions.
The high speed vessel has potential use as a sealift asset, a mine
warfare asset, an amphibious assault ship and as a special warfare
platform for use by the U.S. Navy/Marine Corps and the U.S. Army.
The catamaranÕs unique capabilities include
speed. Unlike most auxiliary ships, which top out around 20 knots on a
good day, the wave piercing catamaran has no problem reaching speeds of
42 knots or greater and can cruise much faster than any other sealift
vessel in the world. In fact one of Bollinger/IncatÕs vessels, the
HSV-X1 Joint Venture, transited the North Atlantic Ocean in winter
conditions in just 5 days and 17 hours at an average speed of 27
knotsÑwithout refueling! The brand new Swift achieved 47 knots on sea
Speed is the wave piercing catamaranÕs stock in trade. Three Incat
vessels have held the prestigious Hales Trophy for the fastest crossing
of the Atlantic Ocean. An Incat vessel set the current record in 1998,
with an average speed for the crossing of over 41 knots.
Colonel Michael Toal, Director of Combat Developments for Army
Transportation, pointed out that the TSVÕs speed is extremely valuable:
ÒIn an unsafe world speed is an even more priceless commodity. You
canÕt buy back time. Once time has passed it has passed forever.
And Chief Warrant Officer William Davis had this to say:
ÒThe speed of the HSV is phenomenal. This boat is highly maneuverable.
You can spin it on a dime. You can be going 40 knots and come to a dead
stop in just over a boat and a halfÕs length.Ó
Range and endurance are also not problems for the wave piercing
catamarans. They are designed to have a cruising range of 4,000
nautical miles at 20 knots and can be refueled at sea. In fact, the
Joint Venture circumnavigated the globe in 31 sailing days over a
period of 7 months, traveling from Australia through the Panama Canal
to the US Gulf Coast, then on to Little Creek, Virginia. She then made
her less than 6-day Atlantic crossing to the United Kingdom. From
there, she conducted exercises and tests in the extreme weather
conditions along the coast of, and in the fjords of, Norway, From
there, responding to the call for support for the war on terrorism,
Joint Venture proceeded to Gibraltar and on through the Mediterranean
and the Suez Canal to the coalition counterterrorism base in Djibouti.
Then she sailed on to the Persian Gulf. She then crossed the Indian Ocean and proceeded back across the Pacific
Ocean to the U.S. west coast.
Sealift for the Army, Navy and Marines
The wave-piercing catamaran is under consideration by the Army, Navy
and Marine Corps for fast sealift. Thus far the Army has tested the
vessel the most thoroughly and it is now coveted as a new Theater
Support Vessel (TSV). The TSV is a vital part of the US ArmyÕs plans
for Transformation. This new high-speed vessel will greatly enhance
intratheater deployment and logistics support for U.S. Army units around
the world. The TSVÕs capabilitiesÑspeed (in excess of 40 knots), cargo
capacity (1,250 tons) and flexibility (a shallow draft of under 15
feet)Ñwill provide the Army with a potent, new rapid deployment
capability for responding to crisis situations anywhere in the world.
Getting troops, weaponry, equipment and supplies to the fight is a
complex and difficult mission. Today the military relies almost
exclusively on airlift and slow, deep-draft vessels to get where it
needs to go. Both of these methods have severe limitations that the TSV
can eliminate.
The chief advantages that the TSV offers over traditional sealift are
speed (40 knots versus 20 knots) and shallow draft (12 feet versus 34
The TSV also has substantial advantages over airlift. There are two
versions of the TSV, the 112-meter and the 98-meter, based on their
overall length.
Whereas the US Air Mobility CommandÕs largest transport, the C-5
Galaxy, can carry 2 M1 Abram tanks, the 98 meter TSV can carry 10Ñtwo
reinforced platoons. The 112-meter TSV can carry 16 M1s, greater than
an entire tank company. The USAF C-17 can carry just one M1 and the
C-130 cannot lift the M1. Just as importantly, the TSVs can transport
all of the tank crews with their tanks, which need little or no special
preparation for the lift, which means they can literally roll off and
be ready to fight at the destination.
The C-5 and the C-17 can carry two M2/M3 Bradley fighting vehicles. The
C-130 cannot lift the Bradley. The 98-meter TSV can carry 20 Bradleys
and the 112-meter TSV can carry 32 BradleysÑplus all of their crews!
Another weapons system designed to transform the U.S. Army is the new
Stryker wheeled armored vehicle, which is supposed to replace the
Abrams and Bradley in some missions requiring rapid deployment. Well,
if the Army is going to depend on the Air Mobility Command for rapid
deployment, the Stryker will do little better than the current
Òheavies.Ó The C-5 can only carry 4 Strykers, the C-17 can carry 2
Strykers and the C-130 can carry 1 Stryker, and the Stryker must be
partially dismantled for the airlift, necessitating set-up at the
destination. In contrast, the 98-meter TSV can lift 34 Strykers and the
112-meter TSV can lift a whopping 47 Strykers!
ÒThe beauty of this technology is that we can deliver a combat ready
force, complete with soldiers, full armor, full fuel, full ammo,
complete with situational awareness and with its complete set of
leaders. No other platform can do that today.Ó
Colonel Genaro Dellarocco, US Army
Given these numbers, plus the other demands on USAF airlift capacity,
the TSV would be capable of moving heavy ground units more quickly and
efficiently than airlift.
The TSV enjoys an advantage over both conventional sealift and airlift
in that it does not require extensive facilities for unloading. Large
sealift vessels obviously require deepwater port facilities or lighters
at the scene to unload their cargo. The TSV can get into ports that
current sealift vessels cannot. Airlift assets usually require lengthy
runways and airfield facilities, assets not needed by the TSV.
An Army officer, Major General Robert Dail, U.S. Army, testified:
ÒIÕm not hung up on a catamaran design hull, but I am hung up on speed,
45 knots. I am hung up on moving people with my equipment. In a battle
situation, the ship can bring 40 Strykers Ñ two companies Ñ to a hotspot
very quickly. It doesnÕt require a lot to load this vessel, it does not
take a lot to unload this vessel. Incredibly, the ship requires a
minimum water depth of only 15 feet in which to operate. In practical
terms, that increases the number of ports accessible to the ship by a
factor of five. ThatÕs an awesome thought, we establish warfare on our
terms, not the enemyÕs.Ó
In the age of terrorism and asymmetric warfare, the ability to use more
ports is very important for security. Large, deep-draft sealift ships
are usually limited to large port facilities near big population
centers, often in Third World Islamic nations. Such arrangements
complicate security concerns and issues. The TSV would allow much more
rapid transit and much more rapid offloading in areas not necessarily
adjacent to the large population centers that can be the breeding
ground of terrorists.
Here is an example of the benefits that the HSV/TSVÕs unique
capabilities offer, as described by Navy Captain Philip G. Beirel:
ÒItÕs incredibly maneuverable. Morehead City is not an easy channel,
and I can pull in and out with no assistance. I donÕt even need line
The TSV demonstrated its flexibility in Exercise Millennium Challenge
2002 while being operated by the Navy/Marine Corps team. Commander Dean
Chase of the Navy Warfare Development Command was duly impressed:
ÒTo get a ship of this size into this basin is a feat unto itself. The
capability just doesnÕt exist in our inventory today.Ó
The HSV/TSV has a great deal of potential in amphibious warfare as
well. Marine Major Larry Ryder sees great potential in the vessel:
ÒIt gives us a capability to go into places weÕve never been before. It
has a combination of high speed, shallow draft and maneuverability.Ó
Not surprisingly, the Military Sealift Command of the U.S. Navy has taken
notice of the TSVÕs capabilities. The Marine Corps has tested the
HSV/TSV in virtually Òevery clime and place;Ó from the California coast
near San Diego to the fjords of Norway, the Bollinger/Incat vessel has
met every challenge and passed every test. In the process, the TSV has
been certified with a flight deck capable of handling the CorpsÕ CH-46E
Sea Knight, UH-1N Huey and AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters, as well as
the NavyÕs SH-60 Seahawk and the Army/Air Force MH-60 Nighthawk.
In its troop/equipment transport configuration, the vessel features
roll on-roll off deployment from its hydraulically operated vehicle
ramp, which has the capacity to deliver all military vehicles up to and
including the 70-ton M1 Abrams main battle tank. The TSV/HSV can also
deploy the Marine CorpsÕ Amphibious Assault Vehicle while underway.
Teamed up with the CorpsÕ new high-speed, high-tech Advanced Amphibious
Assault Vehicle, the HSV/TSV will add a new dimension of speed and
mechanization to the MarinesÕ trade, amphibious warfare.