ANKARA Ñ The United States is said to have agreed to a $22 billion
aid package for Turkey in exchange for Ankara's cooperation with any war
against Iraq.
Turkish sources said the U.S. package includes military and economic aid
as well as a partial write-off of Ankara's debt to Washington. Another
condition includes a U.S. pledge to obtain international loans.
The Turkish daily Vatan provided the following details of the aid
package. The newspaper reported on Saturday that the United States agreed to
provide $4 billion in grants to Ankara.
In addition, the Bush administration pledged to erase Turkey's $4.7
billion debt to Washington. That debt was incurred over the last decade in
purchases of aircraft and other platforms.
Another clause in the aid package is for Washington to supply Turkey
with new and surplus military platforms. They include aircraft, naval
vessels and a range of ground systems.
Vatan also reported that the United States has pledged to obtain $8
billion in loans from the International Monetary Fund. The money will be
used to
develop southeastern Turkey.
The United States has also agreed help promote Turkish exports. This
will include a 50 percent increase in the quota of Turkish textiles to the
United States.
Last week, Turkey and the United States agreed on a memorandum of
understanding for the arrival of 150 U.S. military personnel to inspect
Turkish bases. The United States wants to use at least six Turkish military
bases and three sea ports for deployment of up to 90,000 troops in Turkey.
A full agreement for the U.S. troops has not been reached. But the
United States hopes to obtain Turkey approval as early as this weekend
during the visit by the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen.
Richard Myers. Turkish sources said Myers had moved up this visit,
originally scheduled for Jan. 24.