The United States has relayed a warning to its
embassies around the world to prepare for immediate evacuation.
Officials said the department's warning was particularly meant for U.S.
nationals in the Persian Gulf and Middle East. They include such countries
as Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The State Department told U.S. embassies that they should warn Americans
living abroad to prepare for immediate evacuation in case of an attack or
some other emergency. The department warned Americans abroad to prepare
up-to-date documents and medicines so they can quickly leave for home.
The department asked all consulates and embassies worldwide to send a
warden's message to local American communities with advice on preparedness
for an emergency. The message would warn of such emergencies as political or
economic unrest, natural disaster or a terrorist attack.
The department has intervened in helping American citizens escape from
several hot spots around the world over the last year. They included Cote
D'Ivoire, the Central African Republic, Indonesia, Israel and Venezuela.