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Israel, Egypt, terror war allies to get most U.S. aid

Tuesday, February 4, 2003

Middle East allies remain the largest recipients of U.S. aid under the Bush administration's budget request for fiscal 2004. The State Department's foreign aid budget submitted to Congress does not change Washington's priorities. Egypt, Israel and Jordan will benefit most from U.S. foreign aid at levels that remain similar to those of fiscal 2003.

The administration has asked for $28.5 billion for foreign operations in 2004. The figure includes $2.3 billion in economic and military aid for countries that have joined the United States in its war on terrorism.

A State Department statement said U.S. military aid would increase from about $4 billion in fiscal 2002 to $4.4 billion in 2004. The tentative figure reported for fiscal 2003 is $4.107 billion, Middle East Newsline reported.

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Under the proposal, Egypt would continue to receive $1.3 billion in military aid for both fiscal years 2003 and 2004. Israel's military aid would increase from $2.04 billion in 2002 to $2.1 billion in fiscal 2003 and $2.16 billion in 2004. The increase is part of a formula in which the United States also cuts $120 million each year from economic aid to Israel.

The administration has also allocated $206 million in military aid for Jordan in 2004. Last year, the Hashemite kingdom received $75 million, and in fiscal 2003 the aid is expected to increase to $198 million. Last year, Jordan also received a supplemental military budget of $25 million.

Jordan would also receive $250 million and Turkey would obtain $150 million in civilian aid. A State Department statement said the aid would help the economies of the two countries.

"This funding will provide economic and military support to enable these countries to strengthen their economies, internal counter-terrorism capabilities, and border controls," the statement said.

Under the administration's request, Bahrain would receive $25 million in military aid in fiscal 2004. Last year, Bahrain received $28.5 million in military aid from a supplemental budget.

The administration also plans to launch a program to bolster democracy and free enterprise in the Middle East. The State Department has asked for $145 million for the Middle East Partnership Initiative and $30 million for the American-style Arabic Middle East Radio Network.

The budget request also allocates $35 million for the Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund, more than twice the 2003 request. The State Department also requested $40 million for overseas export controls and border security.

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