Israel, Egypt, terror war allies to get most U.S. aid
Tuesday, February 4, 2003
Middle East allies remain the largest recipients of
U.S. aid under the Bush administration's budget request for fiscal 2004.
The State Department's foreign aid budget submitted to Congress does not
change Washington's priorities. Egypt, Israel and Jordan will benefit most
from U.S. foreign aid at levels that remain similar to those of fiscal 2003.
The administration has asked for $28.5 billion for foreign operations in
2004. The figure includes $2.3 billion in economic and military aid for
countries that have joined the United States in its war on terrorism.
A State Department statement said U.S. military aid would increase from
about $4 billion in fiscal 2002 to $4.4 billion in 2004. The tentative
figure reported for fiscal 2003 is $4.107 billion, Middle East Newsline reported.
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