The U.S. Army has completed the disarmament of the
Iranian opposition in Iraq.
U.S. officials said the operation, which began in May, was completed
without a fight. They said thousands of weapons have been collected from the
Mujahadeen Khalq, which has been waging a 25-year war against Teheran.
In all, officials said, 5,000 Mujahadeen fighters were disarmed. They
said more than 2,000 pieces of military equipment were recovered, Middle East Newsline reported.
Maj. Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry, listed
the weapons captured from the Mujahadeen. He said the Iranian opposition
force had 300 tanks, 250 armored personnel carriers and 250 artillery
"They have been completely disarmed," Odierno, said. "We have taken all
small arms and all heavy equipment."
In addition, the general said, the Mujahadeen surrendered 10,000 small
arms. The general said the group had about 2,200 pieces of equipment.
Odierno did not identify the tanks and artillery models. But Western
diplomatic sources they included T-54 and British Chieftan main battle
tanks, Soviet-origin BMP-1 and U.S.-origin M113 armored personnel carriers
and 155 mm artillery.
The Mujahadeen was equipped by the regime of Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein and officials said the group participated in the early stage of
the war in Iraq in late March. They said the surrender of Mujahadeen
equipment was completed in late May.
On Tuesday, casualties were reported among coalition forces in Iraqi
insurgency attacks. Six British soldiers were killed and eight others were
injured in attacks near the southern city of Basra.