The United States has imposed two sets of sanctions on
an Iranian firm in less than a week.
U.S. officials said the sanctions slapped on the state-owned Iranian
military manufacturer related to the trade in missile technology. They said
the technology was sought for Iran's Shihab-3 intermediate-range missile
The Iranian company was identified as the Shahid Hemmat Industrial
Group which is regarded as a key developer of Iran's Shihab-3
intermediate-range missile. The missile, with a range of 1,300 kilometers,
is said to be based on North Korea's No-Dong missile.
Shahid Hemmat is the government's defense industrial agency, Middle East Newsline reported. Officials said Shahid
Hemmat has engaged in the procurement of missile and weapons of mass
destruction technology and components.
On Wednesday, the State Department announced the latest sanctions on
Shahid Hemmat as well as on companies from Moldvia. The department imposed
sanctions on Shahid Hemmat on May 9 in what officials said were related to
Wednesday's announcement.
State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Shahid Hemmat was
sanctioned for "its material contribution to Iran's ballistic missile
programs through its involvement in this activity." He said the Moldavian
countries supplied Iran with missile technology.
The Moldavian firms were identified as Cuanta SA, Computer and
Communicatii SRL, and Mikhail Pavlovich Vladov. In May 2002, Cuanta SA and
Vladov were among 12 entities sanctioned for transferring sensitive
technology and equipment to Iran.
The department said under the sanctions, Shahid Hemmat will not be able
to trade with the United States until 2005. The company is not known to have
any dealings with the United States.