A Special Report by the Editors of
Foreward by Bill Gertz: "American Intelligence Failures and September 11"

The collapse of the Soviet Union ushered in a new age which seems to have caught the world off guard. The surprise and shock of the Soviet Union's rapid disintegration produced a decade of frantic political activity. Suddenly old concerns and old animosities surfaced, presenting a world closer in its political alignments to the pre-World War I and the 1800s than to the 1930 prelude to World War II.

Out of this chaos, a basic and rather simple reality emerged: The U.S. possessed overwhelming power and prestige. There was a period of exhilaration in which it appeared that representative government and market economies would solve the longstanding problems of humanity.

However, as the smoke cleared over the debris of the Cold War, it became equally clear that the new period of world history into which we are entering promises to be an even greater period of uncertainty. After September 11, it has become the Era of Insecurity.

From the Introduction to "The U.S. and the Post-Cold War Era of Insecurity: From Islamic Terrorism to the New China Threat"

This 35-page global threat assessment is now being offered to the general public. What it provides is a region-by-region overview of our rapidly changing world in this new "Era of Uncertainty." The chapters include the following:

  • Foreword: American Intelligence Failures and September 11 [By Bill Gertz]
  • Terrorism: "Your terrorist is my national liberationist."
  • China: "Come the revolution, the capitalists will argue about the price of the rope they have sold the executioner on their way to the gallows."
  • Russia: "Mine enemy's enemy is my friend."
  • The European Union: "Americans believe that history begins when they arrive."
  • Flashpoints: "The children have taken over the candy factory." [North Korea, Iran, Palestine, India-Pakistan, Southeast Asia
  • Latin America: "Americans will do anything for Latin America except read about it!""
  • Africa: "Nowhere has the dissolution of the old Cold War alignment led to more chaos than in Africa south of the Sahara."
  • Foreign Policy and Democracy: "Ceasar did not take a poll nor organize a focus group before he crossed the Rubicon."