ANKARA Ñ Interpol has warned of an outbreak of insurgency attacks
during a U.S.-led war against Iraq.
The international law enforcement agency issued an alert to all
countries that Islamic groups could strike Western and other countries
during the war in Iraq. The agency, in the March 1 alert, urged law
enforcement agencies around the world to bolster security.
Several countries have reported increasing security measures in response
to the Interpol alert. In Turkey, police have been bolstered throughout the
country, Middle East Newsline reported.
Officials said nearly 50,000 officers have bolstered Turkish law
enforcement agencies. They said Turkey has also increased security
cooperation with its neighbors.
In what officials termed an unprecedented move, Syria has handed over
two Kurdish insurgents to Turkey. The insurgents were said to have been
arrested in Syria and identified as members of the Kurdish Workers Party,
banned in Turkey.