LONDON ø The International Atomic Energy Agency plans to investigate
the sources of Libya's weapons of mass destruction programs and whether the
North African state transferred components and expertise to other countries.
The Vienna-based agency intends to examine whether Iran and Pakistan
were suppliers to Libya's nuclear weapons program. Pakistan has launched an
investigation into the matter.
Another question was whether Libya transferred components, fuel or
nuclear weapons expertise to other countries. The United States has
suspected that Libya relayed unspecified missile and WMD components to
Egypt, Middle East Newsline reported.
"There has been, of course, a good deal of importation from abroad of
equipment and material," IAEA director-general Mohammed El Baradei said. "We
do not know yet whether there was any linkage with other nations."
Over the weekend, Libya acknowledged pursuing a secret nuclear
program as well as development of chemical weapons and medium-range
missiles. El Baradei provided new information on Libya's nuclear weapons
program, saying Tripoli launched efforts to enrich uranium in the 1980s.
The IAEA chief said the program started by using centrifuges to produce
enriched uranium. He said the program was intensified in the 1990s and
included the import of centrifuges, uranium and conversion facilities.
The IAEA plans to conduct the first inspection of Libya next week.
Officials said El Baradei has prepared to fly to Tripoli with senior
inspectors to visit a series of sites.
"I'll be going to Libya some time next week with a team of senior
experts," El Baradei said. "Inspections will follow, as early as next week."