ABU DHABI Ñ Kuwait reports that it has reached its maximum oil
production capacity.
Kuwaiti Petroleum chief executive officer Nader Al Sultan said the
sheikdom has reached its maximum oil output. The official told the Kuwaiti
news agency that the state-owned company would maintain the maximum capacity
of 2.4 million barrels per day for what he termed a brief period.
On March 3, Kuwait Oil Co. chairman Ahmed Al Arbeed , a subsidiary of
Kuwaiti Petroleum, said the state-owned company closed several oil fields
near the northern border with Iraq in fear of sabotage and military attacks.
Those fields were said to have produced 700,000 barrels of oil per day.
But Al Sultan said Kuwait's oil production would not be affected by any
U.S.-led war against Iraq. Al Sultan, who is senior in rank to Al Arbeed,
did not elaborate.