The London Arabic-language daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, known for its ideological affinity with the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, published a letter, allegedly from Saddam addressed to the Iraqi people and the Arab nation on the occasion of his birthday, April 28. According to the paper, "sources close to Saddam confirmed the authenticity of his handwriting and signature and noted that the conditions of his hiding place do not currently permit more than a written letter, for security reasons." The paper also published a picture of the first lines of the letter, and of Saddam Hussein's signature on it.(1)
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful: 'Indeed, [before the battle began] they swore an oath to Allah that they would not turn back in flight, and an oath to Allah must needs be answered for' (2)
Iraq, April 28, 2003
"From Saddam Hussein to the Great Iraqi People, and the Sons of the Arab and Islamic Nation, and men of honor everywhere: Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings."
"Just as Hulagu entered Baghdad, so did the criminal Bush enter Baghdad, with the help of [traitor from within] 'Alqami (3) - indeed, even more than one 'Alqami."
"They did not vanquish you, you who refuse to accept occupation and humiliation, and you, who have Arabism and Islam in your hearts and minds, [they did not defeat you] except through treachery."
"By Allah, this is no victory, as long as there is resistance in your hearts."
"What we used to say has now become fact. We do not live in peace and security as long as the monstrous Zionist entity is on our Arab land, and therefore there should be no split in the unity of Arab struggle."
"Oh sons of our great people, rise up against the occupier and do not put your trust in those who speak of Sunnis and Shiites, because the only problem that the homeland, your great Iraq, is experiencing now is occupation."
"There are no priorities [now] other than the expulsion of the cowardly, murderous infidel occupier. No honorable hand would be extended to shake his, except that of traitors and collaborators."
"I say to you that all the countries surrounding you are against your resistance - but Allah is with you, because you are fighting disbelief and defending your rights."
"The traitors have allowed themselves to proclaim their treachery, although this is a shameful thing. You should now proclaim your rejection of the occupier for the sake of the great Iraq and the nation, and for Islam and humanity."
"Iraq shall triumph, and with it the sons of the nation and men of honor. We shall restore the archeological artifacts they stole, and we shall rebuild Iraq, that they want to divide into separate parts, may Allah bring shame upon them."
"Saddam had no property registered in his own name and I challenge anyone to prove that the palaces were not registered in the name of the Iraqi state. I abandoned them long ago and went to live in a small house."
"Forget everything and resist occupation. The sinful error begins when there are priorities other than the occupier and his expulsion. Remember that they aspire to bring in the conflicting parties so that your Iraq will remain weak, so they can plunder it as they have been doing."
"Your party, the party of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath, is proud that it has not it did not extended its hands to the Zionist enemy and did not make concessions to the cowardly American or British aggressor."
"Whoever stands against Iraq and plots against it shall not enjoy peace relying on American support."
"Blessings to every man of the resistance, every honorable Iraqi citizen, and to every woman, child, and elderly person in our great Iraq."
"Unite and the enemy will flee from you, and with him the traitors that entered with him."
"Know that he who came with the invading forces and he whose planes flew in order to kill you will not send you anything but poison."
"Allah willing, the day of liberation and victory will come, for us, for the nation, and for Islam above all else. This time, as always when right triumphs, the days to come will be better."
"Safeguard your property, your departments, and your schools, and boycott the occupier. Boycott him, as this is your duty towards Islam, the religion, and the homeland."
"Long Live Great Iraq and its people"
"Long Live Palestine, free and Arab from the river to the sea,"
"Allah Akbar"
"Disgrace upon the despicable ones."
"Saddam Hussein
26 Safar, 1424
April 28, 2003"
(1) Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), April 29, 2003. Subheadings added by MEMRI.
(2) Koran 33 (Chapter Al-Ahzab):15
(3) Muhammad Al-Din ibn Al-'Alqami was the vizier of the last Abassid caliph, Al-Mu'tasim. Ibn Al-'Alqami reportedly assisted the Mongol army led by Hulago to take Baghdad in 1258.
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