ABU DHABI Ñ The United States plans to move troops from Saudi Arabia
to Iraq as part of a realignment of interests in the Gulf, a new study says.
The study published under the auspices of the government in the United
Arab Emirates, reports on the drafting of an emerging U.S. national security
policy that will vigorously promote democracy in the Middle East and launch
an offensive against groups deemed as terrorists as well as their state
"The Sept. 11 events have changed the U.S. attitude not only towards
Iraq but the entire region, with which the U.S. has maintained friendly
relations for a long period of time," the UAE study said. "The U.S. troops
are expected to transfer all their military bases from Saudi Arabia to Iraq
and control all oil fields so that it no longer needs Saudi crude oil. It is
evident that some of the U.S. conservatives see Saudi Arabia as a threat
similar to Iraq which must be faced."
The UAE study said the United States envisions regime changes in Iran
and Syria in wake of the toppling of the Saddam regime, Middle East Newsline reported. The study also
warned that Egypt could be affected by a new U.S. policy.
The study was published in the publication "Public Affairs," issued by
the Research Section at the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince's Court. The study was
authored by
Edward Ghareeb, a lecturer at Washington-based International Peace Center.
In his study, published in UAE newspapers, Ghareeb said the
administration wants to revise its relations with a range of Middle East
states, particularly Saudi Arabia. The relations would be based on a
friendly and pro-U.S. Iraqi regime, which could produce enough oil to
eliminate Saudi Arabia's influence.
The UAE study reported that the administration has drafted a document
that envisioned military attacks on organizations deemed as terrorists, the
control of global oil resources and fostering regional leaders such as
Israel and Turkey. He said the document was drafted soon after the Sept. 11,
2001 attacks by Al Qaida on New York.
"Although such an approach does not exactly reflect the official
American policy, it has become an excuse to launch a military strike against
Iraq," the study said. "Statements by the U.S. officials indicate clearly
that Iraq will just be the beginning. This means the offensive against Iraq
will be the start of a large-scale military and diplomatic operation with
the aim of bringing about radical changes to the region, where Iraq will
have the first constitutional government in the Arab world, to be the first
democratic system in a series of democratic changes."
U.S. officials in Washington said a range of government-sponsored panels
are studying policy options in the Middle East after the fall of the Saddam
regime. The officials said many of the studies envision a new U.S.
relationship with such countries as Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
"The new U.S. conservatives believe the occupation of Iraq will prompt
changes in Iran, Syria and even Egypt," the study said. "The Egyptians will
be required to demonstrate their commitment to human rights issues, change
their attitudes and stop campaigns against the U.S. and Israel."