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EU talking military technology cooperation with Syria

Monday, February 3, 2003

NICOSIA Ñ Syria has held a series of meeting with European countries on the prospect of cooperation in military and dual-use areas.

The meetings included the prospect of military and defense cooperation with such countries as Austria, Britain and the European Union. So far, no agreements have been reached.

Several European military delegations have met with Syrian defense chiefs in Damascus over the past few months, Middle East Newsline reported. The latest meeting was in December when a senior Austrian defense delegation met Syrian military chiefs.

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The Austrian delegation, headed by the nation's defense minister, met Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas. A Syrian government statement said discussions focused on ways to develop military relations between the two countries. Austrian troops are in a United Nations peacekeeping contingent that separate between Israeli and Syrian forces on the Golan Heights.

Later, Syrian Prime Minister Mustafa Miro met a visiting EU delegation, led by Frank Hyska. The two sides discussed scientific and technical cooperation as part of bolstering relations between the EU and Syria.

Similar talks took place between France and Syria. In December, the two sides discussed cooperation regarding space sciences, including the transfer of expertise to Syrian universities.

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