ATHENS Ñ Greece has determined that the November 17 organization, which was responsible for the assassination of CIA station chief in Athens Richard Welch in 1975, had
links to other insurgency groups.
Officials said more people would be arrested over the next few days, Middle East Newsline reported.
They said the arrests could demonstrate the link between November 17 and
other insurgency groups.
Officials said intelligence and security agencies are examining November
17 ties to insurgency groups active in the 1970s and 1980s. They include
such groups as the as Revolutionary Popular Struggle, known as the ELA; the
May 1 organization and Revolutionary Cells.
November 17 blamed the CIA for helping the military junta in Greece maintain power from 1967 to 1974.
The suggestion of such a link was first disclosed during the
investigation of November 17 agents captured over the last six months. So
far, 19 suspected insurgents have been arrested, including those believed to
have led the group.
The arrests would probably be announced in February and would relate to
November 17 ties to the ELA. Officials said up to 10 more people are being
Officials have disclosed that November 17 employed blackmail to obtain
money. They said the organization obtained large amounts of money from
senior clerics in the Greek Orthodox Church by threatening to release
damaging personal details of their lives.