LONDON Ñ North Korea is marketing upgraded Scud-class missile to Middle East clients, according to reports confirmed by South Korea's Defense Ministry.
Western industry sources said Pyongyang has been offering such countries
as Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen a more accurate version of the
Scud B missile.
South Korea has confirmed the assertion by the industry sources. The
Defense Ministry in Seoul said North Korea has been reproducing Soviet-era
Scud B missiles. These missiles have a range of 300 kilometers and a payload
of one metric ton.
North Korea is expected to accelerate its marketing of missiles and
weapons of mass destruction in the wake of its dispute with the West
regarding Pyongyang's nuclear program.
Pyongyang has also suggested that it
would end a moratorium on intermediate-range missile testing, Middle East Newsline reported.
The sources said the Scud B would maintain the range and
payload of the original version but would include technology developed by
North Korea.
"The idea is to offer new and improved Scud Bs that would replace the
aging arsenals of Middle East countries, which first procured the missile in
the 1970s," an industry source said. "The idea is to keep the price of the
missile cheap."
Pyongyang has also been marketing extended-range versions of the Scud B.
The Scud C has been bought by Iran and Syria and has a range of 500
kilometers. The payload is smaller than that of the Scud B.
Industry sources said North Korea has offered the Scud C for $4 million.
Pyongyang has also been offering the longer-range Scud D, which could reach
a distance of 700 kilometers.
The CIA provided few details of North Korean missile sales in the
intelligence agency's unclassified report to Congress released last week.
The CIA report said that throughout the second half of 2001, North Korea
continued to export significant ballistic missileørelated equipment,
components, materials, and technical expertise to the Middle East, South
Asia, and North Africa.
"Pyongyang attaches high priority to the development and sale of
ballistic missiles, equipment, and related technology," the report said.
"Exports of ballistic missiles and related technology are one of the North's
major sources of hard currency, which fuel continued missile development and