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UN: Al Qaida training camps reopen in Afghanistan

Monday, December 23, 2002

Thousands of Al Qaida insurgents are training in reopened camps in eastern Afghanistan, a UN report said.

The UN report, authored by a team of experts led by Britain's Michael Chandler, said that the camps are located in Kunar province near the eastern town of Asadabad and in Peshawar, near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The camps are "small, discreet and mobile" to evade U.S.-led coalition forces searches in the region, Middle East Newsline reported.

"Particularly disturbing about this trend is the fact that new volunteers are making their way to these camps, swelling the numbers of would-be al-Qaida activists and the longer-term capabilities of the network," the report said.

Chandler said Al Qaida recruits "disillusioned" youth either to be trained as "foot soldiers" or for other specialized tasks but he did not specify for which operations.

Thousands of Al Qaida insurgents are scattered throughout approxiately 40 countries, Chandler said. "There is a tremendous amount of sympathy in some countries for the movement. The figure of 10,000 is tossed around," he said.

In Islamabad, Pakistani intelligence officials have said that suicide bombers are being trained by Al Qaida in Pakistan to attack targets in Afghanistan. The Pakistani government denies the allegations.

The report also said that Al Qaida has changed attack targets. It cites the recent attacks in Bali and in Mombasa attributed to Al Qaida in which 208 people were killed. "Soft targets, preferably with maximum casualties, would now appear to be the order of the day," the report said.

In Britain, Al Qaida members operate in "classic" small cell structures, a senior official said.

"An attack is not inevitable, but the probability is that sooner or later one of these groups, who are extremely determined, will get through. We can protect many obvious high-value targets but then, as we have seen in Bali, they can go for the very soft target."

In Paris, French police have arrested four suspected insurgents for planning a chemical attack in a suburb of the city.

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