
Israeli undercover guards stop hijack attempt

Monday, November 18, 2002

TEL AVIV Ñ Israeli undercover security guards overpowered an Israeli Arab man who lunged toward a stewardess of an El Al flight with a sharp metal object. The attacker tried to hijack the passenger jet about 15 minutes before the end of a flight from Tel Aviv to the Turkish city of Istanbul on late Sunday.

Nobody was injured. Officials said the struggle took seconds to conclude.

Officials said the attacker was Tawfik Fukara, a 25-year-old Arab citizen from northern Israel. He was traveling on an Israeli passport and was not regarded as a security threat, Middle East Newsline reported.

Security sources provided the following account of the attempted hijacking.

They said Fukara, who had purchased a seat in economy class, wandered several times through business class and advanced toward the pilot's cabin. The last time he left his seat, Fukara went into business class and asked for a cup of water. When a stewardess asked him to return to his seat to prepare for landing, Fukara rushed toward the cabin where he was soon overpowered.

Authorities said they are investigating how the attacker smuggled aboard a knife-like object that was four centimeters in length. Passengers are closely questioned at the airport and sometimes searched when they arrive at Ben-Gurion Airport for a flight.

The last hijacking of an Israeli airliner was in 1968. An official said Israel has improved security at the airport and on El Al flights over the last two years. The official said Israel has received repeated intelligence warnings that Arab and Islamic insurgents are trying to hijack Israeli passenger jets.

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