

Saudis pledge to sign lucrative energy contracts after delays

Special to World
Monday, February 18, 2002

ABU DHABI Ñ Saudi Arabia has pledged that it will sign in March multi-billion dollar agreements for the Western exploration and production of the kingdom's natural gas sector.

Saudi officials said the pledge was relayed to the United States, which is regarded as the favorite to win most of the estimated $25 billion in gas exploration and development projects. U.S. companies face European counterparts for the projects.

Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi acknowledged the gap between the kingdom and competing countries during the current negotiations. But Al Naimi said he hoped the negotiations will be completed in accordance with Riyad's new deadline.

"Negotiations are progressing," the Saudi minister said. "We are looking forward to signing the executive agreement in the first week of March."

The Saudi contracts are regarded as a priority for the Bush administration and the State Department. In June, Riyad signed preliminary agreement with eight foreign companies, including Conoco, Exxon-Mobil and TotalFinaElf. A final accord, scheduled for December, has been delayed amid differences over taxes, revenue sharing and the size of the gas fields.

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