

Palestinians terrorize West Bank Christians in shakedown bid

Monday, March 11, 2002

RAMALLAH Ñ The Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat last month launched a campaign against Christian churches and businesses around the West Bank in an attempt to extort money for local militias.

Palestinian sources said the focus of the Fatah attacks was in Ramallah, the headquarters of Arafat.

A mob led by Fatah militants attacked churches, Christian institutions and businesses during a two day period in early February. The sources said the attack was coordinated by Bashir Nafeh, a leading PA security officer and Fatah member.

The sources said the attack began on Jan. 31 when Muslims torched Christian homes and stores in Ramallah. The mob also attempted to break into the Greek and Roman Orthodox churches in the city and attacked Christians on the streets of the city. At least one Christian was killed.

The attack stemmed from Fatah attempts to force Christian businesses to pay a monthly sum to the militia. In the Kalandia refugee camp outside Ramallah, a Christian butcher refused to pay what was termed protection money and was stabbed to death.

Similar attacks were reported in Bethlehem and in the surrounding suburbs. But the largest campaign against the Christians was reported in Ramallah.

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