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Israel kills Hamas commanders

Special to World
Tuesday, December 24, 2002

JERUSALEM Ñ Israeli special operations forces have killed Palestinian insurgency commanders in the West Bank.

Israeli and Palestinian sources said two senior members of the Hamas group were killed in the West Bank city of Jenin. The sources said the two killed on Monday were involved in suicide missions against Israel.

Those shot dead were identified as Hamas insurgents Shaman Subuh, 29, and Mustafa Kash, 26. Israeli security sources said they were found with two suicide belts in their car and were believed prepared for an imminent suicide mission in an Israeli city.

The sources identified Subuh as head of Hamas in Jenin. They said Subuh had been wanted by Israel for the last two years.

Earlier, Israeli forces destroyed the family home of Subuh as part of the campaign to halt suicide missions against Israel. In Nablus, Israeli troops captured a Fatah commander in the West Bank city of Nablus.

Meanwhile, Hamas was expected to resume its dialogue with the ruling Fatah movement in Egypt next week. The talks have been sponsored by the European Union and hosted by Egypt.

Palestinian sources said Egypt has pressed Hamas and Islamic Jihad to suspend attacks against Israeli civilian targets. The sources said the suspension is meant to last until after the Israeli elections on Jan. 28.

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