
Lack of Arabic hampering effectiveness of Israeli troops

Friday, December 20, 2002

ISRAELI TROOPS LACK ARABIC SKILLS IN WAR AGAINST PA TEL AVIV Ñ Israeli troops lack basic skills in Arabic required for the insurgency war against the Palestinians, experts say.

The experts, former and current members of the military and security forces, said Israeli troops operating in Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have virtually no knowledge of Arabic and fail to understand the civilian population they deal with in raids and operations. They said the result is a needless increase in friction with Palestinian civilians and vulnerability of attacks by insurgents.

Israeli military forces are being urged to deploy Druse soldiers in every combat unit operating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. At the same time, the military was urged to expand its Arabic-language courses and make them mandatory for every officer.

"In the last few months, the problem is becoming worse," [Res.] Brig. Gen. Ephraim Lapid, who spent most of his career in military intelligence, said. "The more hostility and antagonism, there is less willingness to learn Arabic."

Lapid, who as spokesman for the Education Ministry is urging expanded Arabic courses in Israeli schools, said for decades the military had a pool of Jewish immigrants from Arab countries who spoke fluent Arabic. He said military intelligence provides intensive Arabic courses for its analysts and officers but the failure to use the language in civilian life has led many to forget the language after they end service.

[Res.] Brig. Gen. Aryeh Neiger, a military analyst, said the lack of Arabic has led to needless confrontation between Israeli troops and Palestinians. Neiger said Israeli soldiers and officers have no idea what Palestinian civilians are saying to them or each other and cannot read slogans and signs on the wall that could provide information about their surroundings.

"The soldiers enter the refugee camp and have no idea what's written on walls or the screams across the street," Neiger said. "The officers have no idea what's going on. In general, Israelis only know what Arabs are saying through Israeli commentators rather than the popular Arab media such as A-Jazeera."

In an unrelated development, Israel tested overnight Wednesday a new system for the identification and location of missiles during a large-scale civil defense exercise in central Israel.

"In civil defense, at the time of a missile attack against Israel, we will receive indication even before the missile falls," Lt.-Gen. Ilan Sasson, Civil Defense Intelligence Commander, said. "This system identifies in the fastest time where the missile will fall .... and what type of missile has fallen. The system can also identify whether the missile is conventional or non conventional."

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