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Israel strikes Palestinian security facility

Special to World
Friday, February 8, 2002

RAMALLAH Ñ Israel has pounded a Palestinian Authority facility in the West Bank for the second straight night.

Palestinian sources said Israeli AH-64A attack helicopters fired missiles at a PA compound in Nablus on late Thursday. The sources said one person was wounded in the attack on the Palestinian security facility.

The Israeli attack appeared to be in retaliation for a Palestinian infiltration of a Jewish settlement in the Jordan Valley on late Wednesday.

A Palestinian insurgent killed three Israelis, two of them whom he took hostage.

On Friday, Israeli troops entered several West Bank towns in response to the Palestinian attack on the Hamra settlement. This included the village of Tamoun, believed to have been the launching pad of the Hamra attack.

Both Hamas as well as the Fatah movement aligned with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat have claimed responsibility for the attack.

In Washington, the Bush administration called on Israel to ease restrictions on the Palestinians. President George Bush met Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and both men said they support the establishment of a Palestinian state. Sharon said he hoped to deal with an alternative leadership to that of Arafat.

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