

Report: Palestinians have
anti-aircraft weapons

Special to World
Tuesday, March 12, 2002

WASHINGTON Ñ The Palestinian Authority has acquired anti-aircraft missiles, a report says.

Hizbullah is believed to have supplied the anti-aircraft missiles to the PA. Hizbullah has acknowledged its huge missile arsenal along the Israeli border as part of what Lebanese sources term an unprecedented buildup.

The report by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy said the PA has Soviet-era missiles. They include the SA-4 and SA-7.

"Palestinians already have SA-7s and Strella missiles," the report, authored by Gal Luft, said. "It would not be technically difficult to shoot down a civilian airliner with several hundred people on board. The threat of an airplane being shot down from the ground is just as dangerous as that of a terrorist boarding a plane, and it is a threat shared by Israel and the United States."

Nabil Qauk, Hizbullah's commander in southern Lebanon, said the missiles serve as a deterrence against the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Lebanese sources said Hizbullah has been testing unidentified weapons along the border in preparation for war with Israel.

"Sharon cannot do what he pleases in Lebanon because Lebanon is not the appropriate arena for Israeli terrorist actions and because it has missiles on the border that limit SharonÕs aggression," Nabil Qauk, Hizbullah's commander in southern Lebanon, said during a recent tour by Iran's ambassador to Beirut, Mohammed Sobhani.

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