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Egypt leads drive for Israel to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty

Special to World
Monday, April 8, 2002

Egypt is leading a new international campaign for India, Israel and Pakistan to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Egypt is helping draft a working paper to help revise the NPT to ensure the inclusion of states that are not in the nuclear club. The paper would seek to implement the NPT and launch negotiations to control nuclear fuel.

The paper is meant to be submitted on Monday at the United Nations. Egypt's efforts are part of a seven-member alliance arms control alliance that includes Brazil, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden.

Egypt's envoy to the UN, Ahmed Abdul Gheit, said the alliance is concerned that global tension will fuel the nuclear race, particularly in such regions as the Middle East and South Asia. The diplomat expressed concern over the maintenance of security doctrines that encourage nuclear arsenals.

The NPT calls on member states to declare any nuclear arsenal and open suspected facilities to international inspection. Citing regional threats, India, Israel and Pakistan have refused to sign the NPT.

Diplomats said the working paper submitted to the UN will urge that India, Israel and Pakistan sign the NPT as soon as possible.

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