Draft-dodgers causing manpower problem for Sudan in civil war
Friday, February 1, 2002
CAIRO Ñ Sudan has ordered a crackdown on draft evaders amid what
Western diplomatic sources term an increasing difficulty in recruiting
for the war against rebels in the south.
The sources said draft evasion has been high among university students.
Sudanese are required to serve one year in the military.
Sudanese authorities have announced that draft dodgers face three years
in jail. After their sentence, those convicted will be sent to the south for
military duty.
Other measures being taken by authorities would ban university graduates
for jobs without proof of military service. Officials said the government
crackdown would seek those who have failed to report for the military since
A spokesman for the National Military Service administration, Ibrahim
Yassin Shaqlawi, warned that draft-dodgers would have their names published
in government newspapers.
University graduates must serve three months in the army followed by
nine months of national service. But diplomatic sources said university
students have been sent in increasing numbers to fight Sudanese rebels in
the south.