
Letter to our readers:
Oops, we upgraded again

December 13, 2001

Alert readers have noticed that there has been a shortage of new material on this week. There's a reason for this.

We tech-challenged news hounds decided to foist ourselves onto the cutting edge of the revolution and get ourselves Windows XP. We have met the enemy and it is not the Taliban.

Okay, it's not even Microsoft, probably. We don't know. We called their tech support and the guy was as clueless as we were.

At any rate we would recommend XP to anyone as long as they are not putting out an Internet News site. We were using a fantastic free-ware program, Arachnophilia, which is not working with XP. Neither did Homesite or its upgrade which promised to work with XP. So we got Microsoft's FrontPage 30-day trial deal even though we did not consider ourselves worthy of this fancy-dancy program. We were right. It's a powerful, sophisticated program but it is slowing us down big time.

Bear with us. We will be back up to speed very soon.

And thank you for your support in this incredible year, 2001. We send you our best wishes for the holidays and our prayers for a blessed 2002!

Ñ The Editors

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