by WorldTribune Staff, February 23, 2021
Joe Biden’s team opened a facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas this past weekend for 700 illegal immigrant children.
The kids will be housed in what look like small shipping containers — with bars on the windows.

Kids in cages.
Democrats used this early and often to decry President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. Democrats even tried to pass off photos of said kids in cages from the Obama years to make their point only to quietly take them down after being caught.
In an April 2019 video, socialist New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump administration “cages children.”
House Democrats even held a hearing on July 10, 2019 entitled: “Kids in cages: Inhumane treatment at the border”.
As this edition was being published, same Democrats had so fare not uttered a peep about Biden putting immigrant kids in cages.
Biden himself, or at least one of his handlers, wrote in an August 2019 tweet: “It is cruel and abhorrent to strip migrant children of the few protections they have. It is not enough this administration puts children in cages without soap and beds, now it wants to keep them there indefinitely. This isn’t who we are.”
Apparently, it is who Biden is. But Democrats aren’t complaining, and the corporate media is just tweaking the terminology.
CNN described the Carrizo Springs camp as an “overflow facility.”
That’s right, under Trump it’s “kids in cages.” Under Biden it’s an “overflow facility.”
Here’s how that bastion of objectivity The Washington Post described the new camp.
“Dozens of migrant teens boarded vans Monday for the trip down a dusty road to a former man camp for oil field workers here, the first migrant child facility opened under the Biden administration,” the Post reported from Carrizo Springs. “The emergency facility — a vestige of the Trump administration that was open for only a month in summer 2019 — is being reactivated to hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17.”
The Post continued: “Government officials say the camp is needed because facilities for migrant children have had to cut capacity by nearly half because of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border has been inching up, with January reporting the highest total — more than 5,700 apprehensions — for that month in recent years.”
The article was headlined: “First migrant facility for children opens under Biden”.
Here are some Post headlines regarding the same topic during the Trump administration:
- “The American tradition of caging children”
- “The real reason we’re locking children in cages”
- “Viewing US border cells derided as ‘cages,’ Central American officials pledge more immigration cooperation”
Radio host Dana Loesch noted: “Kids in cages is now ‘migrant facility for children.’ ”
Writer Drew Holden noted: “Big difference 20 months and a new President makes, @washingtonpost.”
The Federalist’s Jordan Davidson noted in a report earlier this month:
Due to a large influx of illegal immigrants at the border also anticipating Democrats will reward their intent to break U.S. laws, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection are scrambling to increase their bandwidth and capacity to process and evaluate the flood of migrants amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Both agencies are expected to reopen, renovate, and even create new holding centers to keep up with the large number of people and unaccompanied migrant children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
The administration’s struggle to bring into the United States the inundation of people making their way across the border illegally comes just a few weeks after reports of a large migrant caravan made up of thousands of migrants from Honduras began making its way across Central America with the intent to cross the southern U.S. border. The people in the caravan who made it through clashes with Guatemalan law enforcement at the northwest Honduras border are now marching on and are estimated to arrive at the U.S. border soon.
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