Report: Media preparing the nation for vote count delays in repeat of 2020

Report: Media preparing the nation for vote count delays in repeat of 2020

by WorldTribune Staff, October 21, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The drawn out counting of votes is apparently the new normal in American elections. Even though they don’t have Covid to use as cover, major media is prepping the nation for many hours, if not days, of counting votes that could undermine confidence in the […]

Agent Strzok played central role in Clinton, Trump investigations but who called the shots?

Agent Strzok played central role in Clinton, Trump investigations but who called the shots?

by WorldTribune Staff, August 15, 2018 Recently-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok “has played a much bigger role” in the Russia collusion investigation “than a lot of the media wants to admit,” Rudy Giuliani, lawyer for President Donald Trump, said on Fox News’s Hannity on Aug. 13. Giuliani went on to say he believed Strzok also […]

Released emails reveal Clinton had clear awareness of security issues with her private server

Released emails reveal Clinton had clear awareness of security issues with her private server

by WorldTribune Staff, January 19, 2018 Newly released documents from the State Department show then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had detailed knowledge of security issues with her private server and was warned about “overseas” and other issues concerning her emails and her personal BlackBerrys, a government watchdog group reported on Jan. 19. An email from […]