Guess what George Stephanopoulos didn’t ask Biden about at town hall?

Guess what George Stephanopoulos didn’t ask Biden about at town hall?

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 16, 2020 The leftist media is determined to get Joe Biden over the finish line even if they have to resuscitate and then carry him. Blockbuster articles published Wednesday and Thursday by the New York Post detailed Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings in the Ukraine, Russia, and China and how […]

A star from Thursday’s town halls: Who is the woman in the red mask?

A star from Thursday’s town halls: Who is the woman in the red mask?

by WorldTribune Staff, October 16, 2020 The nods of approval from an audience member wearing a red mask who was seated behind President Donald Trump during his Thursday NBC town hall in Miami went viral on social media, unhinging the Left and hailed by the woman’s new fans. “There are a lot of substantive comments […]