FLASHBACK — ‘Laughing stock’ of developed world: Why mail-in voting is universally dismissed

FLASHBACK — ‘Laughing stock’ of developed world: Why mail-in voting is universally dismissed

by WorldTribune Staff, November 6, 2020 [From August 5, 2020. Republished by popular demand] President Donald Trump has warned of the huge potential for fraud in massive mail-in voting. Democrats who are pushing for majority mail-in voting call the president delusional. “If concern about vote fraud with mail-in ballots is delusional, it is a delusion […]

Legal foundation charges voter fraud likely already has occurred in 2020

Legal foundation charges voter fraud likely already has occurred in 2020

by WorldTribune Staff, September 9, 2020 Analysts estimate that 80 million Americans will vote by mail in the 2020 general election. The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) “has investigated instances in which fraud already may have occurred,” Rowan Scarborough noted in a Sept. 6 report for The Washington Times. According to numbers provided by PILF, […]

223,000 mail-in ballots mailed to wrong Nevada addresses; Pre-filled ballots hit Fairfax County, Va

223,000 mail-in ballots mailed to wrong Nevada addresses; Pre-filled ballots hit Fairfax County, Va

by WorldTribune Staff, August 7, 2020 The potential for significant problems with mass mail-in voting was highlighted in Nevada, where more than 200,000 ballots were sent to wrong addresses, and Virginia, where a leftist voting group sent invalid pre-filled ballots to thousands of voters, reports say. The Public Interest Legal Foundation reported that 223,000 ballots […]