The first Christmas: Caesar Augustus and his contemporary, Jesus Christ

The first Christmas: Caesar Augustus and his contemporary, Jesus Christ

Special to WorldTribune, December 25, 2024 “Gaius Octavius was born in 63 B.C. in Rome” noted John Coleman, a Fox News contributor about the towering contemporary of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. “When his maternal great uncle, Julius Caesar, was assassinated for subverting the Roman Republic, the young Octavian, only 18 at the time, became his […]

Leftist California pastor claims Jesus was ‘a racist’

Leftist California pastor claims Jesus was ‘a racist’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 14, 2021 The Son of God was a “racist,” according to the leftist pastor of a San Diego church. In a TikTok video, Rev. Brandan Robertson of Missiongathering Christian Church contends that Jesus Christ used a racial slur. According to Robertson, the racist action of Jesus takes place in Chapter 7 […]