CBS documentary explores how America’s young are turned on by socialism

CBS documentary explores how America’s young are turned on by socialism

by WorldTribune Staff, September 20, 2020 Membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has jumped from 6,500 to 70,000 over the last six years. The Pew Research Center in 2019 conducted a survey which found half of Americans under the age of 30 expressed positive views of socialism — nearly as many as the 52 […]

Denver city council member: Replace police department with unarmed ‘peace force’

Denver city council member: Replace police department with unarmed ‘peace force’

by WorldTribune Staff, August 16, 2020 A socialist member of Denver’s City Council is proposing replacing the city’s police department with a “peace force” in which most personnel would not have arrest power or carry firearms, a report said. Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, said the “peace force” would […]

Aug. 7 was a bad day for socialism in the USA

Aug. 7 was a bad day for socialism in the USA

by WorldTribune Staff, August 8, 2018 The Aug. 7 primaries in several Midwestern states was “a fantastic night” for mainstream Democratic Party leftists – and a nightmare for far left socialists. Six weeks after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stunned Rep. Joseph Crowley in New York, “signs of a tea-party-like movement in the Democratic Party that would throw […]

Young Socialist star called for tax cuts as a business owner

Young Socialist star called for tax cuts as a business owner

by WorldTribune Staff, July 6, 2018 A millennial New York socialist being touted by high-ranking Democrats as the future of the party displayed overt capitalist leanings in the not-too-distant past. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated 10-term incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley in New York’s 14th District, advocated for tax cuts when she was running a business of […]

Girl from the Bronx? Ocasio-Cortez grew up in Westchester County and is riding a socialist wave

Girl from the Bronx? Ocasio-Cortez grew up in Westchester County and is riding a socialist wave

by WorldTribune Staff, July 1, 2018 How solid are the working-class credentials of the socialist candidate who knocked off a longtime Democratic heavyweight in last week’s primary? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, was born in and currently lives in the Bronx, but her family moved to a wealhty suburb of New York City in Westchester County when […]

Democrats joining Millennials’ embrace of socialism, Karl Marx

Democrats joining Millennials’ embrace of socialism, Karl Marx

by WorldTribune Staff, June 28, 2018 In celebrating the 200th birthday of Karl Marx last month, Teen Vogue noted that “The communist scholar’s ideas are more prevalent than you might realize.” The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, in a poll of Millennials last year, found that most would prefer to live in a socialist or […]

‘Face slap for America’: Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

‘Face slap for America’: Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 27, 2018 A dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists of America pulled off a major upset in the Democratic primary in New York’s 14th District. This has started an anxious internal debate among Democrat circles, but it also raises fundamental questions about the party’s increasingly anti-American character and whether socialism […]

DOJ staffer harassed Nielsen at dinner, tweeted from work against ‘terrorizing immigrants’

DOJ staffer harassed Nielsen at dinner, tweeted from work against ‘terrorizing immigrants’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 21, 2018 A member of a socialist group which harassed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Washington, D.C. restaurant on June 19 is a Department of Justice employee. DOJ paralegal Allison Hrabar was among the Democratic Socialists of America mob which crashed Nielsen’s meal, shouting chants such as […]

4 of 12 Asheville, NC city council candidates self-identify as socialists

4 of 12 Asheville, NC city council candidates self-identify as socialists

by WorldTribune Staff, October 13, 2017 A growing socialist presence in Asheville, North Carolina “became clear” recently “when a full third of the candidate field heading into the Oct. 10 city council primary self-identified as socialists,” according to a report by Asheville Unreported. The revelations were made at a candidate forum sponsored by the Asheville […]