Russian officials zero in on opportunities provided by Brexit vote

Russian officials zero in on opportunities provided by Brexit vote

Special to by Dr. Jack Caravelli, Geostrategy-Direct In the wake of the stunning UK vote to leave the European Union (EU), media attention is focused on the reaction from major European nations and the United States. As one of the Western alliance’s most prominent members, the UK also is in the forefront of the […]

Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― We’ve been reading for so long about Britain’s economic troubles, the social system and the culture intertwined with the country’s slow, not always graceful, decline, that the British exit from the European Union comes as less than a shock. Or if it is a shock, that’s because […]

The die is cast: Brexit will revive the ‘Special Relationship’ and sink the Eurocracy

The die is cast: Brexit will revive the ‘Special Relationship’ and sink the Eurocracy

Special to By Sol W. Sanders Back in 1887 the famous poet and storyteller Oscar Wilde quipped: ‘We [English] have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language’. We got another example of this malediction in the blah-blah-blah which has attended Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. What is most […]

Brexit and the globalists: EU’s business model worked: Its power grab backfired

Brexit and the globalists: EU’s business model worked: Its power grab backfired

Special to by Dr. Jack Caravelli, Geostrategy-Direct Voters in the United Kingdom have chosen to leave the European Union by a 52-48 percent margin, making Great Britain the first nation to leave the EU. The turnout was large with over 70 percent of eligible voters going to the polls.  The process of doing so […]

BREXIT: UK votes to make Britain GREAT again!

BREXIT: UK votes to make Britain GREAT again!

Special to By Liam Fox, ________________ Editors’ Note: At 5:11 a.m. London time, BBC projections showed voters backing “Leave” the European Union (“Brexit”) by 52 percent to 48 percent in an historic and rare national referendum. FLASHBACK: The following exclusive column for was originally published on March 27, 2016 with the following headline: […]

Italy: 48 percent in country that inspired its creation would vote to leave EU

Italy: 48 percent in country that inspired its creation would vote to leave EU

by WorldTribune Staff, June 21, 2016 With all eyes in Europe on the June 23 Brexit vote, a survey in Italy found that 48 percent in the country that paved the way for the European Union’s creation would vote to leave the EU. “The Italians are amused by the Brexit vote,” said Andrea Barzini, an […]

Not so jolly England: Politics turns nasty on both sides of the pond

Not so jolly England: Politics turns nasty on both sides of the pond

Special to By Sol W. Sanders No matter the outcome of the British referendum June 23 on leaving the European Union, the argument over the U.K.’s role in Europe and the world is up for grabs. It promises a troubled British political scene for some time to come. The argument over whether to leave […]

The critical foreign policy issues Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech needed to tackle

The critical foreign policy issues Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech needed to tackle

Special to By Sol W. Sanders Donald Trump’s much ballyhooed foreign policy speech was a minor disaster. Not only did Trump fail to set out a succinct foreign policy philosophy and agenda, but the speech itself [even with a teleprompter] was a failure in his effort to move to a more “presidential” persona. One […]

Americans would never submit to foreign rule; Why would President Obama ask the UK to do so?

Americans would never submit to foreign rule; Why would President Obama ask the UK to do so?

Special to By Liam Fox, ________________ At the start of last week I was in Washington, DC speaking on what the European referendum means for the United States. On the face of it, the U.S. should be a natural ally in the case for leaving the European Union.  The right to make your own […]

London mayor mocks Obama’s anticipated appeal on behalf of EU

London mayor mocks Obama’s anticipated appeal on behalf of EU

Special to U.S. President Barack Obama’s call for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union reeks of “outrageous” hypocrisy, London Mayor Boris Johnson said. Following are excerpts of Johnson’s opinion piece in the UK’s Telegraph: “Some time in the next couple of months we are told that President Obama himself is going to […]