Hang on to that Nobel Appeasement Prize, Mr. President

Hang on to that Nobel Appeasement Prize, Mr. President

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, East-Asia-Intel.com Looks like Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize is safe for now. He won’t have to return the bauble he received in 2009 for doing his utmost to curb “nuclear proliferation” and talk nice to Muslims. He can keep the money too. Not too trivial a sum — about […]

The one-bullet-point strategy to re-elect the president

The one-bullet-point strategy to re-elect the president

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Democrats are settling on one major election strategy: Portray opposition to President Obama as a form of racism. In a nutshell, the liberal argument is that conservative dissent from Mr. Obama’s social democratic agenda — Obamacare, the nearly $1 trillion stimulus and Dodd-Frank — is driven not by the color of […]

High stakes: Obama’s ace, Iranian oil and the 2012 election

High stakes: Obama’s ace, Iranian oil and the 2012 election

Sol W. Sanders President Barack Obama has launched new international diplomatic poker with “a trailing hand”. It is impossible to exaggerate the forces at play, economic as well as political, foreign and domestic, and their interplay. When he signed Dec. 31st the latest Iran provisos, Mr. Obama was handed new clout to cut Iran’s energy […]

The Gingrich temptation: Warning to the Tea Party

The Gingrich temptation: Warning to the Tea Party

Special to WorldTribune.com By Grace Vuoto The conservative movement is determined to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012 at any cost — even that of its most sacred principles. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is among the current crop of front-runners for the Republican nomination. This is largely due to support from the Tea Party. […]

The GOP’s Bill Clinton: Wrong for conservatives, wrong for America

The GOP’s Bill Clinton: Wrong for conservatives, wrong for America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans have been casting about for a viable alternative to Mitt Romney. Many now believe Mr. Gingrich should be the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee. They are wrong. Mr. Gingrich has excellent qualities. He is a formidable debater, articulate and possesses a strong grasp of policy. In fact, the Georgia Republican has won […]

08/08/08 and the ‘Little War That Shook The World’

08/08/08 and the ‘Little War That Shook The World’

Special to WorldTribune.com By Sumantra Maitra, Freepressers.com The 5 day August war between Russia and Georgia changed the geopolitical and geostrategic scenario of Europe. It is important for many reasons. It was the first East-West conflict since the end of Cold War. It was the first European war since the Second World War, where the […]

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. He has been running an anti-establishment, insurgent campaign that champions sweeping tax reform and a pro-growth agenda. He is a Southern populist who touts his private-sector experience. He […]

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