Reports: Timeline indicates weapons left in Afghanistan used in Oct. 7 attack on Israel

Reports: Timeline indicates weapons left in Afghanistan used in Oct. 7 attack on Israel

by WorldTribune Staff, October 13, 2023 In surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Biden Administration left billions of dollars worth of U.S. weaponry behind and those weapons likely ended up in the hands of terrorists, according to a new book  and interviews with a Hamas official. A senior Hamas official said in an interview on […]

Biden scorecard: Taliban won’t allow girls in school above grade 6

Biden scorecard: Taliban won’t allow girls in school above grade 6

by WorldTribune Staff, May 10, 2022 Eight months after Joe Biden ceded control of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the terror organization now running the country has ordered women to cover themselves head-to-toe while in public. “Those women who are not too old or young must cover their face, except the eyes, as per sharia directives, […]

America under attack: Taliban among refugees? Abandoned military hardware itemized; Who is in charge?

America under attack: Taliban among refugees? Abandoned military hardware itemized; Who is in charge?

by WorldTribune Staff, August 25, 2021 Are terrorists among the refugees being transported to the United States from Afghanistan? The lack of vetting procedures leaves open that possibility. Meanwhile, Team Biden’s hasty withdrawal has been transformative for the Taliban, making it the best-equipped terror organization in history. How could any functional U.S. administration and military […]