Report: Fauci colleague offered to delete evidence that NIH erased Chinese Covid data

Report: Fauci colleague offered to delete evidence that NIH erased Chinese Covid data

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2022 A close colleague of Anthony Fauci reportedly offered to delete a research paper which exposed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for its own deletion of Chinese data which contained information on the origins of Covid-19. Kristian Andersen, who has received millions of dollars worth of research grants from […]

Should U.S. shut down Fauci’s NIAID? These six Republican senators said no way

Should U.S. shut down Fauci’s NIAID? These six Republican senators said no way

by WorldTribune Staff, March 20, 2022 Sen. Rand Paul on Monday introduced legislation that would eliminate the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) position, which is held by Dr. Anthony Fauci. “We’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but one lesson in particular is that no one person […]

RFK Jr. at Lincoln Memorial: ‘We have witnessed over the past 20 months a coup d’etat against democracy’

RFK Jr. at Lincoln Memorial: ‘We have witnessed over the past 20 months a coup d’etat against democracy’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 24, 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decried Covid tyranny and the censorship of voices like his during a stirring speech at the Lincoln Memorial during Sunday’s Defeat The Mandates rally in Washington, D.C. “James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson all said the same thing, we put freedom of speech in the […]

Soviet-style posters in D.C. mock Biden, Fauci

Soviet-style posters in D.C. mock Biden, Fauci

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, January 17, 2022 Popping up over the weekend in Washington, D.C. were posters in the style of Soviet-era propaganda which mocked Joe Biden and his Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci. One poster showed an angry Biden holding a hammer labeled OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and with the word “COMPLY” […]

Taxpayers funded ‘monkey torture’: Fauci angers PETA with transgender research grant

Taxpayers funded ‘monkey torture’: Fauci angers PETA with transgender research grant

by WorldTribune Staff, January 10, 2022 Even though monkeys can’t contract HIV, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) allocated more than $200,000 last year for researchers to study why transgender women have high rates of HIV by injecting male monkeys with female hormones, a PETA neuroscientist said. According to the […]

Analysis: Will Americans submit to Dr. Fauci’s last stand?

Analysis: Will Americans submit to Dr. Fauci’s last stand?

by WorldTribune Staff, December 17, 2021 Dr. Anthony Fauci is warning that the Omicron variant of Covid is upon us and soon hospitals may be overwhelmed by the unvaccinated. Omicron may very well be Fauci’s “last stand,” blogger James Howard Kuntsler noted in a Dec. 17 analysis that assumes that America’s best-paid bureaucrat is calling […]

Modern day ‘Mengele’: Teetering on his pedestal, Fauci demands punishment for his critics

Modern day ‘Mengele’: Teetering on his pedestal, Fauci demands punishment for his critics

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 3, 2021 Dr. Anthony Fauci is still one of the most influential men in the world and  reigns in Washington, DC as the highest paid U.S. bureaucrat. But that official stature is not holding up under scrutiny even as Fauci claimed this week he should be immune to criticism because […]

Scott Atlas: Elite U.S. bureaucrats and the panic epidemic of 2020

Scott Atlas: Elite U.S. bureaucrats and the panic epidemic of 2020

by WorldTribune Staff, November 19, 2021 Adapted from the new book, “A Plague Upon Our House“, by former White House Covid advisor Scott Atlas. It was February 2020, and news accounts had been describing increasingly alarming information about a deadly new virus emanating from Wuhan, China. Apart from my general concern about the spread of […]

Fauci declares that ‘individual freedom is superseded by the state’

Fauci declares that ‘individual freedom is superseded by the state’

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, November 16, 2021 Americans citizens have a “misplaced perception” when it comes to their individual freedom, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci. It turns out that Fauci’s own perceptions, which became edicts with national and global implications, were also misplaced. Recall, for example that it was Team Biden’s Covid czar, who in […]

‘Booster shots forever’? Fauci admits vaccine immunity not as strong as he earlier claimed

‘Booster shots forever’? Fauci admits vaccine immunity not as strong as he earlier claimed

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, November 14, 2021 Anthony Fauci in April: “Now, usually, as many of you know, the effectiveness in the real world is often not as good as the efficacy in the pristine conditions of a clinical trial. We have found just the opposite with COVID-19 vaccines, where effectiveness is easily as good, […]