by WorldTribune Staff, September 7, 2022
Prior to the 2020 election, the Public Interest Legal Foundation notified Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson that there were 25,000 deceased on the state’s voter rolls.
The George Soros-backed Benson refused to purge the voter rolls of deceased then, and continues that refusal today, Public Interest Legal Foundation President J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice voting rights attorney, told Just the News.

A federal court has turned down Benson’s motion to throw out a lawsuit filed against her for refusing to remove the dead voters. But Benson is still refusing to purge the deceased from the Michigan rolls.
Benson’s campaign for secretary of state was supported by funds from the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project.
“[B]lue states in many cases — New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maine, I could go down the list — are run by sort of ideological state election officials who are opposed to list maintenance,” Adams said. “It was part of [Democrats’ voting overhaul bill] HR 1, if you remember a year ago, that they were going to ban all this maintenance as a matter of federal law. That failed, of course, and they are against list maintenance.”
“Yeah, 25,000 dead registrants on the active rolls in Michigan — like 4,000 of them had been dead for 20 years,” Adams said. “We had pictures of their gravestones in the complaint. We sent Jocelyn Benson … notice about these dead people before the 2020 election. She didn’t do anything.”
Adams said the Public Interest Legal Foundation “finally sued. She still hasn’t done anything — tried to get the case dismissed saying we aren’t allowed to sue” for lack of standing, “and she lost. So the case is gonna go forward. Every state that’s faced these kind of lawsuits eventually settles with us. Let’s see if she does.”
Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act requires election officials to remove “registrants from the voter registration roll because of the death of the registrant or a change in the residence of the registrant.”
In 2021, a similar lawsuit was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation in Pennsylvania and ultimately the commonwealth agreed to settle the case and remove the deceased registrants from its voter rolls.
Adams continued: “They would rather have polluted voter rolls than mistakenly remove somebody who should not be removed — they’ll tell you that’s what they think … the problem is, when you have a system that is now so heavily vote-by-mail, when you have all of these automatic things going to homes, polluted voter rolls is step one to problems — and that’s what happened in Nevada, that’s what happened in Michigan, Pennsylvania. Judith Presto, remember the name Judith Presto. She got registered to vote, voted by mail, and she was dead.”
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