Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 29, 2023
He belongs to the club dedicated to the political extinction of the 45th president of the United States, so is he speaking for himself or for a collective?
Failed vice presidential candidate, destroyer of Fox News, and grand poobah for the Uniparty Paul Ryan says he will “never again” support Donald Trump.

“It’s a disaster if we nominate Trump, you know I think that, I’ve been saying this for a long time,” Ryan told CNBC on Wednesday. “But Liz [Cheney] is right: he could win.”
Under Ryan’s guidance, Fox News “has cratered in viewership since unceremoniously turfing our prime time host Tucker Carlson, as well as turning its back on Donald Trump,” Jack Montgomery wrote for The National Pulse on Wednesday.
In the CNBC interview, Ryan said: “I’m for anybody not named Trump,” correcting himself, when pressed, to say he meant any Republican not named Trump.
The question is, does any Republican not named Paul Ryan care?
“I think we lose with him,” Ryan said of Trump. “We haven’t won anything with him since he first won in 2016. We lost the House in ’18, the presidency in ’20, the Senate in ’20, and we could have won the Senate in 2022 but for him,” he added – failing to mention that Republicans won back the House in last year’s midterms.
Montgomery noted: “Asked if he thought the Republicans could win without America First conservatives brought aboard by Trump, Ryan admitted that as a ‘Never Again Trumper,’ a large portion of U.S. conservatives now despise him.”
Speaking on Tuesday in New Hampshire, Trump blasted the D.C. Uniparty, and asserted that the GOP is “never going back to the days of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush.”
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