One of the few in media who get the relationship between Trump and his voters is — Megyn Kelly

by WorldTribune Staff, May 28, 2023

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate the polls even after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he is running for the 2024 presidential nomination.

And most pundits continue to be baffled as to why.

“The problem with many media folks, establishment politicians, and left-wing zealots is that they never truly grasped the Trump movement and the relationship between him and his supporters,” Revolver News noted. “Instead of taking the time to understand it, they opted for the easy route of labeling it as ‘racist’ and dismissing it.”

As the 2024 GOP race heats up, those same folks are “puzzled as to why” Trump “continues to remain influential, despite their efforts to silence him. If they had made an effort to comprehend the real dynamics at play, rather than fabricating tales of Nazis, they would have a much clearer understanding today,” Revolver added.

One in media who does seem to get it is Megyn Kelly:

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