Special to WorldTribune.com
By Lee Jong-Heon, EastAsiaIntel.com
On the heels of the Party Congress in which North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un presented a five-year economic plan, North Korea has kicked off tougher “work-harder campaigns.”

North Koreans, already struggling with hunger and the stresses of survival in the repressive society, are being mobilized for new construction projects.
The seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party in early May had been expected to unveil reform measures to revive the country’s ruined economy because it was the first in 36 years since the sixth in 1980. …
But Kim showed that he would focus national efforts on reviving the moribund economy by confirming his “Byongjin Line” doctrine to be the country’s biggest national goal. Byongjin refers to pursuing a nuclear arsenal and economic growth in parallel.
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