Lawsuit: GOP poll watchers outnumbered 7 to 1 in Detroit

by WorldTribune Staff, August 30, 2024 Contract With Our Readers

Under Michigan law, election officials throughout the state are required to “appoint equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party.”

A new lawsuit filed by Michigan Republicans charges that the City of Detroit is in blatant violation of the law.

In fact, “as nearly as possible” in Detroit is not even close.

Detroit has 2,337 Democrat poll watchers and just 310 Republicans.

In a sample of 335 precincts in Wayne County, the lawsuit alleges, 202 were found to have no Republican poll watchers at all.

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The lawsuit states that Paula Gnacke-Nemeth, then-chair of a Wayne County congressional district, submitted to election officials a list of 675 possible Republicans who could serve. Under Michigan law, party officials can submit such lists to help election officials meet their legal duty.

Among the 310 Republican poll watchers, the suit notes, only 52 were chosen from the Gnacke-Nemeth list.

The lawsuit asks that Wayne County Circuit Court intervene and order officials to meet their legal obligations.

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