GREATEST HITS, 14 — No 2020 signature verification done in Fulton County, election board member testifies

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No. 14, December 23, 2024 

[Congratulating readers, editors and correspondents this Christmas Holiday season for 26 years of continuous, daily publication. Let the future begin! — The Editors]

by WorldTribune Staff, April 1, 2024

Mark Wingate, who served on the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections, testified on Monday that there was no signature verification done on Fulton County absentee ballots in the 2020 election.

Wingate is testifying in the D.C. disbarment trial of Trump Administration Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark.

The Fulton County 2020 election should never have been certified because there was no signature verification done at all on absentee ballots, he said.

Joe Biden reportedly won Georgia by about 12,000 votes.

Wingate said he voted not to certify the 2020 election twice, adding that what concerned him was there were more voters on the active rolls than eligible, which continued after the 2020 election, and nothing was done to answer his questions about it. He requested chain of custody documentation and it was never turned over to him.

Another reason Wingate said he voted against certifying the vote was he asked for surveillance footage of drop boxes and not a single bit of footage was ever turned over to him.

A third reason he voted against certification, Wingate said, is because he’d asked for more information about the ballots that were seen on video being brought out from under tables, was told he’d receive it, and never did.

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Wingate also testified that a hand count carried out after the election found a 700-800 vote difference from the certified count. A second machine count also came up with a significantly different number, he said.

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