Special to WorldTribune.com, June 7, 2024
Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55
Do Americans understand that Pfizer is fulfilling a specific stated goal of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset?
It’s all about connecting the dots that make up the deeply unpopular “rules-based international order” that is currently threatening to kick off World War III in order to maintain its corrupt hold over the unfortunate nations of the West.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and sits on the International Advisory Board of the arch-globalist Atlantic Council. As WorldTribune documented way back in 2019, the Atlantic Council played a lead role in the Deep State’s efforts to utilize Ukraine and anti-Russia hysteria to stage an impeachment coup against despised President Donald Trump.

Today, the uber-elitist think tank openly boasts of the powerful sway it has over NATO. From the Atlantic Council’s 2023 annual report’s listing of the organizations “Greatest Hits” Highlights of the Year (see page 17 of pdf):
Setting the NATO summit agenda
In July, NATO heads of state and government faced down Vladimir Putin during a gathering in Vilnius, just twenty miles from the border of Belarus — and we were right there with them, convening leading experts, senior NATO and allied officials, and industry representatives to take stock of the most pressing security challenges and provide expert perspectives on decisions reached at the summit.
The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Transatlantic Security Initiative drove the Atlantic Council’s engagement in the lead-up to the Vilnius Summit with in-depth research and analysis on key challenges facing the Alliance. On the ground in Vilnius, we co-hosted the NATO Public Forum, reacted to breaking news, and convened private conversations with senior experts and decision makers to reflect on the communiqué and chart the path forward for NATO’s continued transformation.
The Atlantic Council’s elitist ruling progressive orbit contains a heady number of powerhouse financial backers. Its “2023 Honor Roll of contributors” includes:
$1 million-plus:
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Goldman Sachs
- Meta (Facebook)
- US State Department – Antony Blinken has close family ties to George Soros
- US Defense Department – your taxpayer money at work
- Foundation to Promote Open Society (Soros)
- Amazon
- Chevron
- ExxonMobil
- Ford Foundation
- Apple
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Citigroup
- FedEx
- Open Society Institute (more Soros)
- PayPal
- Pfizer
- The Coca-Cola Company
- Tides Foundation (even more Soros)
This is the globalist ruling nexus Bourla inhabits. Here’s one small example of how it works.
Pathetically, Biden administration FDA Commissioner Robert Califf led “health strategy and policy” at Google in between stints at the US government’s main regulator of Big Pharma. That means one of the Atlantic Council’s major donors hired the man who now oversees the doings of Atlantic Council International Advisory Board member Albert Bourla.
The fix is always in.
Bourla was honored as a 2021 Atlantic Council Distinguished Leadership Awards recipient. In November of that year, Council CEO Frederick Kempe conducted “A conversation with Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla.”
During the discussion, Bourla labeled those who warned of the now-proven dangers of the experimental gene therapy misleadingly being called a coronavirus vaccine as “criminals.”
Kempe was quick to agree. “And [they] should be treated as criminals as well,” the head of the Atlantic Council declared:
Reminder – Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday called those who spread misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines “criminals.”
“They’re not bad people. They are criminals because they have literally cost millions of lives,” Mr Bourla told think-tank Atlantic Council’s CEO… pic.twitter.com/U8lbcEznM2— Camus (@newstart_2024) October 17, 2023
Bourla remains ecstatically upbeat over his company’s future now that his coronavirus golden goose has expired. And why not? The world has been conditioned to believe that all human health conditions can be resolved with a pill or a jab.
“Pfizer’s position is that we believe that obesity is a place that we have the ability to play and win. So we will have to play,” Bourla stated in January at the JPMorgan healthcare conference in San Francisco.
The comment came even as Pfizer suffered a serious setback with a “high profile weight-loss drug candidate late last year due to strong side effects,” Reuters reported.
At the JP Morgan conference one year earlier, Bourla revealed his vision of a Fat Drug money machine:
I would say that this is a market that will grow to $90 billion altogether. And we are very confident on that given the current size of the market and the current growth rates. Very big part of the value and the ability to go to $90 billion, I think, will be the introduction of oral medications.
In June 2023, CNBC noted:
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has said that an obesity pill could eventually generate $10 billion each year for the company….
The new class of obesity drugs is piquing public interest and causing a weight loss industry gold rush….
More than 2 in 5 adults have obesity, according to the National Institutes of Health. About 1 in 11 adults have severe obesity.
There’s an awful lot of money in all that human suffering.
But that’s not all. At the 2023 JP Morgan conference, Bourla detailed how Pfizer is creating a gene therapy “pipeline” to cover a vast array of health issues:
[W]e have an entire pipeline that is maturing and is going to give launches that will occur in the second half of ’24 and in the year ’25, ’26, ’27, ’28. Products that are included in this box over there, which we call X, are GLP-1. And it is the gene therapy portfolio.
We have three projects that are in this X category. And we are – just announced results from one. We have the vaccines against Lyme. We have vaccines against shingles. We have all the combination vaccines between COVID and flu; COVID, flu and RSV; flu and RSV. We have multiple oncology launches, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
It is absolutely vital to understand that this all directly ties in with Klaus Schwab and the global governance plan of a high-tech “rules-based international order.”
A June 2022 Atlantic Council special report is titled “Toward a Democratic Technology Alliance: An innovation edge that favors freedom.” It states:
This is the fourth report in a five-part series of Atlantic Council publications, as part of a project on revitalizing the rules-based international system and positioning the United States and its allies to succeed in an era of strategic competition.
Page 4-5 of the pdf of the full report directly cites Schwab:
The world is now entering a Fourth Industrial Revolution. This concept gained widespread use after a 2015 article published by Klaus Schwab in Foreign Affairs. The founder of the World Economic Forum, Schwab has suggested that the current period in technological development is characterized by “a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”
The exponential pace of change, the impact of these new technologies on nearly every industry in every country, and the massive transformative power of these changes suggest that a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is now taking shape.
Page 25 of the pdf makes it clear: They are building a technological Democracy Death Star:
Through a new technology alliance, leading democracies will be stronger-positioned to lead the development of, and shape the rules and norms related to, the emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution….
For decades, the rules-based system has sought to expand peace, prosperity, and freedom. Sustaining and adapting this system to the twenty-first century world will require a concerted effort. The time is ripe for democracies to work together to fully harness the potentially groundbreaking innovations of the twenty-first century, while taking steps to mitigate against their potential harms.
Here is the WEF itself explaining Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution theory:
Previous industrial revolutions liberated humankind from animal power, made mass production possible and brought digital capabilities to billions of people. This Fourth Industrial Revolution is, however, fundamentally different. It is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.
This collective action plan on harnessing and controlling technology as sketched out by the Atlantic Council is a core World Economic Forum tenet. Bourla attended the WEF’s annual Davos gathering in 2024. He was included in a “4 things to know” summary of the meeting published by the Forum:
AI was a hot topic in multiple sessions in Davos this week. Discussions were clear on the potential, for example, to accelerate scientific discovery, as both Satya Nadella and Albert Bourla told us. But, there were also consistent calls, from both the public and private sectors, for governance, regulation and the equitable distribution of its benefits.
Interestingly, Bourla spoke on all this as far back as 2018 at a World Economic Forum event bluntly titled “Transforming Health in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
Listen to what he says here:
Q: I’d love to get started if you could, Albert, when we were talking backstage you were mentioning how really we’re kind of at a breakthrough in terms of Life Sciences and Technology coming together in ways that we’ve never seen before.
BOURLA: The pace of health innovation will accelerate and will accelerate exponentially…. Today, individual advances in life sciences or digital technology are colliding to create massive synergistic effects. And the possibilities are enormous and I’m not sure we understand right now the full extent of them.
In 2020, Schwab defined health technology as a key facet of his Great Reset:
The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.
Those who still somehow trust the medical establishment after the enormous scandal of the deadly coronavirus vaccine social pressure regime need to realize just what modern health care means to those who dominate the industry. “Harnessing” health technology as an essential part of a larger plan to implement a “Great Reset” of society altogether ultimately means individual persons are nothing more than lab rats to be experimented on along the shining path to a new and “transformed” humanity.
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