by WorldTribune Staff, June 23, 2020
Welcome to a red state with a Democrat governor.
Amy Cooke is CEO of the conservative John Locke Foundation in Raleigh, the state capital of North Carolina. She is married to a retired police officer and makes no secret of what she thinks is going on in Raleigh and nationwide. The Silicon Valley censors have taken down her recent videos and tweets because as she said in her most recent video, below, “communists don’t like the truth any more than Stalin did.”

North Carolina has a Republican statehouse and Democrat governor, Roy Cooper, who has tolerated violence against historic statues statewide. Raleigh has recently mandated face masks despite the fact that the huge Wake County has seen only 54 deaths allegedly caused by coronavirus.
Rioters in Charlotte, North Carolina have spray-painted a hammer and sickle on a World War II monument, painting over the names of local soldiers who died in the war.
“Dedicated to the memory of the Mecklenburg heroes of World War II who made the supreme sacrifice that you might live in liberty, freedom and peace,” the monument reads.
The rioters also painted the quote: “Glory to the day of heroism June 19, 1986.” The quote references a Communist Party uprising in Peruvian prisons.
The rioters carried out their crime on the memorial at Evergreen Cemetery sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning.
Wayne White, a U.S. Air Force veteran, gathered a group of volunteers and began scrubbing the monument clean on Monday morning. He told Fox 46 that he was upset by the vandalism because it covered up the 507 names of people from Mecklenburg County who were “veterans and deserve the honor, respect, and dignity.”
North Carolina’s historic monuments and markers are supposed to be protected from damage or removal by a 2015 law which says “a monument, memorial, or work of art owned by the State may not be removed, relocated, or altered in any way without the approval of the North Carolina Historical Commission.”
Cooper wants the law repealed.
Cooper has also ordered Confederate monuments on the grounds of the State Capitol removed “to protect public safety,” the Carolina Journal News Service reported.
In a statement issued June 20, Cooper said he was “concerned about the dangerous efforts to pull down and carry off large, heavy statues and the strong potential for violent clashes at the site. … Monuments to white supremacy don’t belong in places of allegiance, and it’s past time that these painful memorials be moved in a legal, safe way.”
As rioters pulled down statues at the capitol on Friday, Capitol Police turned them back and a skirmish broke out. Then the law officers withdrew, the report said.
“Friday night, without resistance, protesters removed the statues. They hoisted one statue from a lamp post. They dragged the other through the streets, leaving it at the Wake County Justice Center. State Capitol Police then took the statue and dispersed the crowd,” the report said.
Officials would not explain why police officers withdrew, or who gave the order for them to withdraw.
Senate leader Phil Berger, a Republican, said the buck stopped with the governor.
“I’m aware of only one person in this state who has final authority over state law enforcement. Did Gov. Cooper order the police to abandon the Capitol grounds? If not, who is in control of this state? Leadership is not ceding the law to a mob. Leadership is not avoiding the politically challenging questions, hoping to hang on until Election Day.”
Monuments in Durham, Greensboro, and Fayetteville, along with “Silent Sam” on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, have been removed without the Historical Commission’s approval.
In a statement, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, Cooper’s Republican opponent in the 2020 election, said Cooper had no excuse for letting protesters take over the Capitol grounds.
The “destruction occurred on state property, right next to [Cooper’s] office. It is clear that Gov. Cooper is either incapable of upholding law and order, or worse, encouraging this behavior. … When our elected leaders turn a blind eye to chaos, destruction, and disorder, society begins to unravel,” Forest said.
While officials essentially allowed the mob to take over the State Capitol, they have no intention of allowing the state’s law-abiding residents to return to normal amid the coronavirus.
On June 19 the City of Raleigh’s Notification System sent the following message:
Dear Raleigh Resident, In an effort to curtail the spread of COVID-19, the City of Raleigh’s State of Emergency now includes the mandatory use of face coverings within the City, effective today, June 19, at 4:00 p.m.
John Locke Foundation CEO Amy Cooke, “The Right AOC,” looks more closely at organizers of anti-police protests in North Carolina:
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