DNC’s legal election army is 10 times larger than Biden’s in 2020; The unindicted Marc Elias returns

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, August 19, 2024 Contract With Our Readers

Democrats have no reservations when it comes to getting down and dirty in the trenches of challenging election results.

The Kamala Harris campaign has reportedly hired a legal army 10 times the size of the Joe Biden 2020 contingent of 600 lawyers.

Marc Elias joins a reported team of 6,000 lawyers working for the Kamala Harris campaign. / Video Image

And when Democrats get this serious about getting down and dirty, they call Marc Elias.

“While lawyers for President Trump have faced prosecution, Bar complaints, smear campaigns, and pressure to drop their representation, Elias has been welcomed back into Democratic Party fold — at the top,” Breitbart’s Joel B. Pollak noted in a Monday analysis.

The New York Times reported Elias’s new role in the Harris campaign on Monday, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago:

“The legal apparatus within the Harris campaign will oversee multiple aspects of the election program, including voter protection, recounts and general election litigation, and it is adding Marc Elias, one of the party’s top election lawyers, to focus on potential recounts.”

Elias’s leading role in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is not mentioned by the NY Times.

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As Breitbart News noted, Elias “played a key role in planting the ‘Russia collusion’ hoax, which sought to undermine the results of the 2016 presidential election. He was also instrumental in suing states to change their voting laws ahead of the 2020 presidential election to enable mass vote-by-mail, a tactic that was crucial to Democratic turnout in swing states.”

Pollak added:

Elias parted ways from his former law firm, the Democrat-aligned Perkins Coie LLP, before he was called as a witness in the trial former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Elias admitted on the stand that during the 2016 election, he had the power to direct the activities of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that produced the fraudulent “Steele dossier,” which was the basis for the “Russia collusion” hoax and, later, for the FBI’s unjustified surveillance of a Trump foreign policy aide.

(Sussmann was acquitted by a District of Columbia jury of lying to the FBI; Elias later bragged that Trump could not get a fair trial before a DC jury in his own criminal case.)

Elias was instrumental in the push for mass vote-by-mail in 2020 in what Time magazine later described as a “shadow campaign” to “save” the 2020 presidential election.

Elias also mocked Republicans for raising questions about voting machines and ironically later claimed that faulty voting machines cost Democrats a close congressional race in New York.

The Fifth Circuit slapped sanctions on Elias in 2021 for having “violated his duty of candor to the court” in challenging a Texas law allowing straight-ticket voting.

More recently, Elias was behind a “secretive local media network” in Arizona that disseminates political messages that look like ordinary news articles. Elias went to court to argue that the network should not be subject to campaign finance disclosure laws.

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