Died suddenly: 1,293 athlete deaths since rollout of Covid injections

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News May 18, 2023

A website which has been tracking the deaths and cardiac events of athletes since the Covid jabs were first rolled out reports that 1,293 athletes have been added to the died suddenly list as of April of this year.

Charlotte Vellar, 16, a young German soccer star, posted video to TikTok just days before she collapsed and died suddenly.

“It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a Covid vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a Covid vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the obvious cause,” GoodSciencing.com noted in posting the numbers.

The website said its list contains only “the persons reported to us by readers or that we discovered during research. Also note that almost all of these have been reported in the media. In some cases, we have a person’s own social media or reports from their family. For example, vocal pro-vaccination athlete Uche Nwaneri, the 38-year-old former NFL player for the Jacksonville Jaguars had said anti-vaxxers should be jailed – until he died suddenly.”

The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004.

Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball.

The latest updates to the GoodSciencing died suddenly list:

April 2023

• Josu García de Albeniz, 25, Karate Fitness Gasteiz Karate exponent collapsed from a cardiac arrest at the entrance of a music festival in Spain. He died later in hospital, a report said.

• Alia Zuidema, 21, a former standout athlete at Western Michigan Christian High School, died suddenly after a “medical emergency,” a report said.

• Mason Peddle, 28, a soccer player for the UK’s AFC Portchester, died suddenly, a report said. No cause of death was reported.

• Diego Fumero, 19, soccer player for Spain’s Juventud de Torremolinos, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and died, a report said. He was studying criminology in the south of Spain.

March 2023

• Brady Hoos, 17, a baseball player at Dakota Ridge High School in Colorado suffered an unexpected “seizure” and died, a report said.

• Charlotte Vellar, 16, a soccer player for Germany’s MSV Duisburg died suddenly, a report said. Just days before her death, Vellar had posted video to TikTok of her smiling and lip-synching to pop tunes. No cause of death was reported.

• Jude Moore, 19, an up and coming boxer who represented England died suddenly, a report said. No cause of death was reported.

• Arthur Pinilla Polanco, 28, fencing champion from Colombia, suffered a cardiac arrest and died suddenly while in the USA preparing to return to Colombia, a report said.

• Evan Corson, 10, who played for Kings Ice Hockey in Ontario, Canada, died suddenly, a report said.

• Siphamandla Mtolo, 29, soccer captain for Richards Bay FC in South Africa collapsed during a training session and was declared dead before arriving at the hospital, a report said.

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